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AJain_India (Law Student)     16 July 2014

Section 461 ipc

I need to understand a law point. 

Background: The accused has entered into an agreement to sell and was given the possession vide affidavits given by the complainant. 

The deal turned bad as the complainant had not disclosed of the mortgage on the property. The money was never returned and the registry was also not possible. In the meantime the accused who had been given possession carried out demolition of the building. 

The complainant got the case registered pleading non handing over of possession. The accused was charged only u/s 461 of IPC


Question : Can an accused be charged with section 461 alone which is related to dishonestly breaking open receptacle containing property. 


1. Is house a receptacle ?

2. With no other charges of theft, trespass, etc does 461 alone hold significance

3. Is demolition of property equivalent to dishonestly breaking open 


Other Facts

a) The complainant has already been convicted for fraud u/s 420 for not declaring mortgage

b) Some courts have accepted possession of the accused, where some have disputed. (as number of cases on this matter are pending with different civil and criminal courts)


I would appreciate if someone can explain and also cite reference to any case law. 

 2 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     17 July 2014

The section requires that the offender must have intention to cause either wrongful gain, or wrongful loss, or mischief. With such intention he must break open or unfasten any closed receptacle which either contains property or which he believes to contain property. Breaking open a safe or chest and taking away property from it is punishable under sections 379 and 461 of the Code.

The offence under section 461 is cognizable, non-bailable and non-compoundable, and is triable by any magistrate.

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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     18 July 2014

Under the given facts, the case registered for the offence u/s 461IPC stands not maintainable, but the contents of FIR and the written complaint are to be seen to render proper opinion to all your questions.

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