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saad ahmed   02 December 2016

Seeking help for property dispute

I just sold my property of 2 crores with 40lakhs advance , and the buyer has given me the post dated cheque for left amount , and his cheque is dishonoured now , and because of post dated cheque property is registered on his name but property is in my possesion only , what should i do now , registry will get cancelled on its own or i should file a case in court.


 3 Replies


You should move for specific performance of contract. Side by side you may also  file 138 N.I Act case. Pray interim measures from the court against the buyer.

Rit Arora


Mr. Ahmed,

                  Without any delay file a suit for ownership of the property and do not leave the possession of the permise.  Along with the civil course you shall also initiate criminal case against the buyer for commiting cheating by conspiring. Any further queries you can PM me.  

P. Venu (Advocate)     03 December 2016

Try to work out an amcable settlement, else you can kove the Court.

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