This is with regards to a friend of mine. He and his wife have been living seperately for more than 6 months now. The girl and her family are behaving wierdly, where they refuse to speak to the husband or his mother (they are the only people in the family) face to face. Recently, the girl up one of the uncle's (who is at this point of time acting as a mediator), and said she would be ok to sign the divorce and would make no claims. Since, no mutually agrreable date could be worked out, a meeting failed. There is a small child in between, beacuase of which the guy would like to come to a resolution. However, the girl has been alleging verbal abuse and refuses to talk. In a motnh's time, the girl has called back again, and says that she want her belongings including her jewellery to be handed over to her relatives.
Though the family is fine to return the girl's belongings, what is the right procedure, so that the girl does not come back tomorrow and says nothing was given to her? Also what are a father's rights for a girl child's custody? The girl belongs to a typical Marwari family where a girl child is not respected. Is there a way to prove that in court? The girl is headstrong and is refusing to talk to anyone, and in the past she has threated, that she will injusre herself and report the same to the police. Considering the whole back drop, what should one do with the girl's belongings? should it be settled only as part of the court's final settlement or it can be given before with some sort of proof of delivery?