Harrassed _by _498a (Executive) 18 March 2014
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ nadeemqureshi1@gmail.com) 18 March 2014
Dear Querist
nobody can say about future. it will be better to execute MOU before take her back with all the terms and conditions. it will be better for future consequences.
feel free to call
Harrassed _by _498a (Executive) 18 March 2014
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 15 April 2014
. if i live seprately with her in different state, what are the chances in future of false allegation on me and my family. As i am living alone with her only can she drag my family again ?
Ans : this is not astrological forum
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 15 April 2014
2. What will happen to this false list, as she also knows that this is false now how to make a valid list of dowry articles given at marriage which is true one list
Ans : not understood what you mean