Need to know about serice bond.
Does company can claim you for breaking the service bond if no training has been given and if you are in probation period.
please help
and what defines service bond?
soanli (nil) 29 March 2010
Need to know about serice bond.
Does company can claim you for breaking the service bond if no training has been given and if you are in probation period.
please help
and what defines service bond?
jyotirmaya behera (advocate) 30 March 2010
At the time of joining did you sign any bond with the company on stam paper?
jyotirmaya behera (advocate) 30 March 2010
if you have signed the bond which was on stamp paper & signed by the notary then the baond is valid & the company can go ahead with legal proceedings.
soanli (nil) 30 March 2010
Yes bond was signed on stamp papaer. But probation period and no traning has been taken