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LAXMI   30 November 2016

Service file on rti

I am a doctor from PSU on a study leave after a court order when my employer didnot released me inspite of his earlier NOC while I apply for the course...Now I had requested for certified copy of my service record o under RTI act..they are smart enough to tell me visit physically to inspect.since my service file is query is if I have requested for certified copy sitting now at 6ooo km distance which is even there official knowledge so can I request/insist to supply by post..also it will nice if I have a copy to cosult an expert..alsi it will be uncomfortable and risky if I visit physically spending time and money..kindly guide me..Thanks

 1 Replies

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     05 December 2016

You have asked for service record. They are talking of your service file. I think what you are asking for is neither the service record nor the service file. I think what you have in mind is a service certificate. A service certificate is a document which will give the dates from and to which you were employed, the capacity or designation under which you were employed, whether you got any reward or promotion during the period, whether there was any disciplinary action against you and the reason for your leaving the service. The service certificate should be signed by competent authority in the organisation, most probably the HRD officer. The certificate will occupy one or two sheets at the most. RTI is for matters which are in public interest. This is a matter of your personal interest only. The advantage of RTI is that they are bound to give you a reply. They have replied you because they did not know that the matter was covered under public interest  and not covered under RTI. You can maintain that position and claim. Under RTI  if you do not get a proper reply you can appeal to designated higher official. The reply which you have received would be giving the particulars of the appellate authority. You make a fresh application under RTI giving a list of the specific information which you want.

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