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Dinanath Ban (nil)     31 March 2016

Service matter

if all administration authority not given justice. civil court not accepted case, dist court rejected appeal. can i get justice? and how ?


 9 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     31 March 2016

You can file in human rights commission.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     31 March 2016

What is the opinion of your own lawyer?

Approaching HC is another option.

ROHIT SHARMA (Legal Advisor )     31 March 2016

1. File a writ petition under Article 226 of the C.O.I. before the competent  H.C.

surendra prakash agrawal (advocate)     02 April 2016

Sir, Complete details of the matter are required to suggest the various remedial steps. SURENDRA PRAKASH AGRAWAL ADVOCATE MEERUT E-MAIL M-07830776602

Attached File : 243986 20160402120412 921323223 resume spa.docx downloaded: 95 times

compliance   22 April 2016

Take advice from lawyer.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 April 2016

vague query                   

rakesh   26 April 2016

hi sir i am working in vodafone with service partnet UNIQUE as a back office executive since 4 month's.

1. when i join UNIQUE organazation my TL (Apkesh batra) asked me no deducted any PF and ESIC your salary a/c you got only Rs.10000/- take home salary i jon organaztion happy 11/12/2015. without any bond signe.

2.Sir changes to be necessery every one i am try other organaztion where a get good salary and my future . I am select Genpact-jaipur on date 04/03/2016. there i got My CTC Is 12700/- and take home salary is 10700/- its better for me my last organaztion. I have give my notice period UNIQUE manager and my TL (Apkesha Batra) for 15 days. I am also written my e-mail  for regazation but suddnely my last working day come UNIQUE Manager Mr. Rajesh come and said to me We have include PF and ESIC in you salary. after that i go My TL apkesha batra told to me we have start there PF and ESIC process why are you left this organaztion you work regular without any tension. same day i send mail for cancle my reginaztion.

3. when i got my last month slaary 01/03/2016 to 31/03/2016 on date 09/04/2016 Unique manager Mr. Rajesh told to me next month your salary has been come Rs.8500/- only i am very confuse i said why he told me for PF and ESIC deducation you salary.

4. I am going My TL apkesha batra she asking you work contininue in this salary otherwise you left the job.

5.I am select again new orzanation HDFC bank  they are aking me plz provide my last 3 month's salary slip and offer letter UNIQUQ with service partner vodafone.

6. I am try to connect UNIQUE manager for this but they are asking he cannot provide any salary slip since month and not provide any offer letter this is not his complany policy.

*can i take legal action(man-hani) for both apkesha batra and UNIQUE manager Rajesh plz suggest me.

Ane my TL daily torcher me for my work related. on all office staff.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     26 April 2016

You were in which state?


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     27 April 2016

You are confusing the best.

You can take help of somjeone who knows English.

has PF and ESI dues deducted from salary and not deposited?

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