I have joined in an organization 3 months back. Now I feel like resigning as I dont have any work there( been on bench throughout) and got a better high paid job. I have put my resignation but my employer is not accepting it. In the offer letter, its mentioned that a person would be in probation period for 6 months from the time of joining and then at company's discretion would be made permanent or extended the probation. It is also mentioned that the company can terminate me giving 1 month's notice during probation and if the employee is permanent, either party can give a notice of 2 months period. It was not mentioned anywhere what an employee can do if he wants to resign in probation period :(. Also, there is another line mentioned in the offer letter that a person needs to serve for a minimum period of 1 yr in the interest of the company and the work. Now, when I resign, the employer doesn't seem to accept my resignation and also said he mite put a legal case against me for breaching of conduct (without serving 1 yr). Plz tell me as what should i do now. There is no way that I can take this back also now :(