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Abhay Jain (Programmer)     15 October 2014

Service related and harassment related matter


I need help to sort out the issue related to service matter.

I am an IT professional with almost 10 years of exp. 

Six month back I joined autonomous research institute on a Group "A" "Programmer" post (GP 5400) under institutional post. Prior joining this job I got it clear from "Manager". He gave all details of job profile like. 


1. Post is a supervisory post and 3-4 team members (supporting staff)would be given to you and you need to just supervise them and do some of programming work on PHP institutional website.

2. A separate lab or cabin would be given to you.

3. existing contractual employee would report to you.

4. You are first and senior most IT person and so would be given all the facilities to you only in IT department.

5. your reporting would be directly to Director of institute.


However when I joined the job nothing was a per discussion.


1. No proper dedicated cabin or work place was provided. Provided the sitting with contractual or fresh garduate joining on adhoc.

2. No work authorities provided on institutional IT work and forcing me to work as on profile of and below that contractual employee (who was suppose to report me as my supporting staff).

3. No supporting staff provided.

4. Even when reported the case to Director. Director also adviced me to work as other senior person wish who currenlty have authority of all IT related work and has it own lab.

5. Many time forced me to work like labor and asked to fixup Internet cable wire issues in employee (Group B employee) residence in Office campus.

6. When I asked for power and duties a lot drama was created and a new department with any name was created and I was posted in that department and that senior person as its Incharge.

7. I sent lot of emails through my official email account of this harassment to all even Director, Administrative, Officer and Manager. However none of them replied to all my emails from last 4 months. However some letter given by hand has been responded by Administrative officer however he provided either incomplete response, or wrong information or just declares all my reported incidences as false. and advices me to follow all me communication through that incharge of this new department.


I would like to ask.

1. What are the power, duties, authorities, facilities provided to Group "A" Programmer under institutional post.

2. I have kept all of them in To or Cc  while sending any of my email and even requested the Incharge to farword my request in case required in written in all such email. However none of them responded to my email and neither any objection is raised and now after 4-5 months they says that no proper channel is followed.

Is email in knowledge of incharge is also proper channel for official communication?

3. What should I do next get all my rights as per discusion with Manager prior joining?

4. Do this post is senior role and supervisory post and strictly has some provision attached or defined by govt of india?

5. Where I can report this matter and get the justice?

 4 Replies

Anish Thakur 7018812737 (advocate)     16 October 2014

First of al, file rti application and gather and information regarding powers,working,every thing sbout this post.

SAURABH AGRAHARI (ENGINEER)     07 November 2014

Hi sir,

I have joined a company 5 months back. 1-2 months the behavior of the team was good. After that they slowly started disturbing me. And still it is increasing. on the night of 3-11-2014 me with my senior engineer worked late night because it was the delivery date of my file. And we delivered the file on that night. Next day I was on leave my TL asked my friend to call him. I called my TL after talking to me he gave the phone to senior engineer. He always asked me to give the party of 8k, and I always refused this party. so on that day after talking to my TL when I got the phone he asked me about the party and as I told him I will give on other day he immediately asked me to come to the office as some query came from the customer . I told him I am on leave for the day. Without completing my talk he disconnected the call. I called him again he did not listen to me as i told him I am on leave other engineers are there they can handle the situation, again he disconnected the call. At last I decided to go to the office when I reached office he told me why did you come I told you told me to come. then he told me you do not check the what's app. I told him no at that time I was not using it as I was driving the bike. he told me I have sent you the message to not come to the office. But I went there after driving the bike 20 km and I got such response. What I got from this is that he physically harassed me and daily even while going for dinner he scold me with no reason and he is trying to make me his slave. He wants me to obey him like if he say me to breathe I will breath. I want to file a case against him under physical harassment or write a mail to the senior manager HR complaining about him and his behavior. There are many such mental torturing incidence which I am facing daily. So please help me. And also tell me some strong steps which I should take to make him what he is and I want to show him that I am not his slave.


Thanks & regards


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     07 November 2014

"However some letter given by hand has been responded by Administrative officer however he provided either incomplete response, or wrong information or just declares all my reported incidences as false."


when you maintain secrecy then expect no workable solution from experts here.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     07 November 2014

Originally posted by : SAURABH AGRAHARI

Hi sir,

I have joined a company 5 months back. 1-2 months the behavior of the team was good. After that they slowly started disturbing me. And still it is increasing. on the night of 3-11-2014 me with my senior engineer worked late night because it was the delivery date of my file. And we delivered the file on that night. Next day I was on leave my TL asked my friend to call him. I called my TL after talking to me he gave the phone to senior engineer. He always asked me to give the party of 8k, and I always refused this party. so on that day after talking to my TL when I got the phone he asked me about the party and as I told him I will give on other day he immediately asked me to come to the office as some query came from the customer . I told him I am on leave for the day. Without completing my talk he disconnected the call. I called him again he did not listen to me as i told him I am on leave other engineers are there they can handle the situation, again he disconnected the call. At last I decided to go to the office when I reached office he told me why did you come I told you told me to come. then he told me you do not check the what's app. I told him no at that time I was not using it as I was driving the bike. he told me I have sent you the message to not come to the office. But I went there after driving the bike 20 km and I got such response. What I got from this is that he physically harassed me and daily even while going for dinner he scold me with no reason and he is trying to make me his slave. He wants me to obey him like if he say me to breathe I will breath. I want to file a case against him under physical harassment or write a mail to the senior manager HR complaining about him and his behavior. There are many such mental torturing incidence which I am facing daily. So please help me. And also tell me some strong steps which I should take to make him what he is and I want to show him that I am not his slave.


Thanks & regards



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