Me and My spouse are separated for two years and both of us are in the US. If I wanted to file for divorce in India how do I serve her with the summons from an Indian court to her in the US? She is a non-coperative spouse and I could lose a lot of money If I file in the USA becuase I earn more than her. Hence I have decided to do it India even if it takes a while. she has deserted me and I don't even know her home address. However I know where she works, Does that fall under desertion? I have repeatedly tried for reconciliation but to no avail. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
The two main questions are
How do I serve her with the summons from an Indian court to her in the US?
Is it acceptable that if the summons are served to her parents address at India which is her last known Indian address?
Is there a case for desertion here?