Sessions court judge suspended after staffer files s*xual harassment complaint*xual-harassment-complaint/articleshow/40429932.cms
fighting back (exec) 23 August 2014*xual-harassment-complaint/articleshow/40429932.cms
Tajobsindia (Senior Partner ) 24 August 2014
Simple solution; appoint BLIND people with knowledge of Law as Judges atleast all alleged 'staring - as is reported in this news which made the Judge suspend off his Bench" incidences will stop and Judiciary can rest it head count in peace.
DAY BEFORE, someone in Tollywood whispered Mamta didnot like Judgments of ld. brother Ganguly when he was Chairman of WB HRC. So he was made to resign via an 'intern' who till today does not want to press Criminal Charges against him, but for her it is OK to present a complaint before CJI and make NEWS out of it for a whole week on National prime time TV?
YESTERDAY, another intern made similar allegation on a retd. ld. brother who took the cue from ld. brother Ganguly's media trial and ensured allegations of s*xual harassment on him by the intern is wrapped under in-camera trial.
TRENDING, this ld. Judge from Mumbai is facing the heat and look behold he is already suspended! I mean 'guilty' without even fair trial.
Yet Lord Chandra and his Indian women say they are down trodden and donot have POWERS.
TODAY, talks are hot on making 'marital rape' included under Family Laws by same feminist club members.
TOMMOROW, a husband "staring" his wife should also be included under Family Laws more specially under Bharat Ratna DV Act, hence, "Sexual harassment"; the feminist phrase for 'flirting'.
stanley (Freedom) 25 August 2014
According to the procedure, a judge under suspension faces a departmental inquiry either by a senior sessions court judge or a judge of the high court as decided by its Chief Justice.
During the departmental inquiry, a charge sheet is served on the suspended judge with a copy to the complainant and the presiding judge examines the witnesses. Only after a departmental inquiry finds the suspended judge guilty of the offences alleged against him does the punitive action under the state civil rules follow.
ROTFL ....It will takes years for them to come to a judgement and for the time being it goes under the carpet .
Nobody is aware how much truth lies in the victims statement . Since nowdays law is used to harass the male gender ( in terms of s*xual harassment )
In a few days as stated above martial rape starring at your own wife etc will take its course under law with a large no of false cases being filed in order to tame the husband and make her his slave .:-)
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 29 August 2014
I support the views of Mr. TajobsIndia, this is our country, let us be proud of it though the men face more and more humiliation in the name of law (women biased) for the sin of marrying an adamant woman or ruthless, self centred and greedy in laws.