Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO) 19 June 2017
Are your two sisters who are married and now claiming their share members of the faqmily Settlemnent Deed. I fso The Settlemen t Deed is binding and final and you alone is the sole opwner of th e entgir eproperty covered by th esettlement Deed. If your two sisters are not members of settlement deed they can claim share.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO) 19 June 2017
Are your two sisters who are married and now claiming their share members of the faqmily Settlemnent Deed. I fso The Settlemen t Deed is binding and final and you alone is the sole opwner of th e entgir eproperty covered by th esettlement Deed. If your two sisters are not members of settlement deed they can claim share.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 19 June 2017
NO one can stop anyone to approach court if they feel that thier rights have been infringed upon.
Court of law shall decide on merits.
If there is no defect in deeds in your possesion then your interest may not be affected.