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Urmila   07 July 2017

Sex chat crime or not

Is having s*x chat prior to marriage with any person a crime aur this show the character of the person and if would be husband asked her would be wife to have knowledge with ur close friend among boys is rite This case is basically with one of my very close friend so waiting for reply Can this be the basis for breaking the marriage and getting divorce who are just married for 4 months

 8 Replies

Urmila   07 July 2017

I am learning law first year student post my MA

Vithal. Upari (Advocate)     07 July 2017

Is having s*x chat prior to marriage with any person a crime aur this show the character of the person and if would be husband asked her would be wife to have knowledge with ur close friend among boys is rite This case is basically with one of my very close friend so waiting for reply Can this be the basis for breaking the marriage and getting divorce who are just married for 4 months Reply : Having chat with your about s*x with your friend's husband legally its crime, as they are not yet married and sharing any content viz picture, msg, text, images etc which are considered to be vulgar and which induces other person to get involved in the activities of black mailing, threatening or using this situation for his own benefit would be considered as " Crime". However, on the other side if both of them have mutual understanding and moreover having trust, belief and respect for each other, then it cannot considered as Crime, provided the intention of each parties have to be taken into consideration to decide its Crime or not based on the available material facts of the situation. This is not character factor to decide, its purely at the discretion knowledge of the person how he act and behave. The husband cannot decide the right of her wife just by the number of her close boy friends. Both should know there limits and responsibilities to become good husband and wife by keeping faith in bonded relationship of marriage till their last breath.

Urmila   07 July 2017

Thank you vithal

Vithal. Upari (Advocate)     07 July 2017

Welcome ....Hope its clear to you..

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     08 July 2017

Havinf s*x chat with  someone/boy friend before marriage is not a crime..But hav ing extra marital relationships with a married man is adultery and  a crime.

Urmila   08 July 2017

Actually perfect solution here my friend husband has spy on her and caught some chat prior to their marriage where my friend has chat with her boyfriend who was married at the time of chat but they never had any physical relation although my friend is to tell her boyfriend to move on with his wife and to handle the situation of his life

Samarpan (M)99958670740 (Free legal advice and legal aid cell)     09 July 2017

Having s*x chat prior to marriage is not a crime.  Strictly speaking, even after marriage is also not a crime and adultery.  But it amounts to cruelty to the husband and on that basis he can ask for divorce.

1 Like

Kumar Doab (FIN)     09 July 2017

You can benefit from the post of Mr. Samparan. 

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