I know this old guy who s*xually and verbally harass young girls in a village in Punjab. Is there any site or group that would take some kind of action against this. Thanks!
gill 24 May 2015
I know this old guy who s*xually and verbally harass young girls in a village in Punjab. Is there any site or group that would take some kind of action against this. Thanks!
Jatin Mittal (Corporate Lawyer) 24 May 2015
Mr. Gill
There are various NGOs and social groups who may help you in exposing the person. You may contact a NGO called SNEHA.
For any further clarification, write to me at mittaljets@gmail.com. No charges for the consultation.
TGK REDDI (No designation) 27 May 2015
But what about women harassing men in numerous ways? Harassing men are far less than harassing women. Even innocent men are punished. Even guilty women are never punished. Men and women are against men! Parvaane jo hain!