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sudhanshu shekhar   07 November 2022

Sexual harrasment

Monty Khanna, son of RadheyShyam Khanna, is charged as follows: STATEMENT OF 
MODESTY OF WOMAN, contrary to Sections 354 and 509, Indian Penal Code, 1860
You, Monty Khanna, assaulted and used criminal force with the intention to outrage and 
insult the modesty of Ms. Kashish, daughter of Mr. Zorawar Singh, and intruded upon her 
privacy on 31 December Yr-1 at the Happy Hotel, New Delhi
1. My name is Kashish Singh. My father's name Zorawar Singh. I am 19 years old and my 
residential address is Flat No. 5B, Janakpuri, Delhi.2. I have two sisters, both younger to me. One is aged 16 years and the other is aged 14 years. 
My father died one year ago. My mother and my paternal grandmother stay with us. I am the 
sole earning member of the family.
3. I have been working in a travel agency known as Honeymoon Travels Ltd. since December 
15, Yr -1. I am the personal secretary to the Director of the company. I was given to 
understand at the time of my appointment that in this line, we employees are expected to stay 
back late at work if required.
4. I know Monty Khanna who is the personal secretary to the Managing Director of the 
company. He is about 40 years old. He is married and has a daughter my age. He has been 
with the company for the last 15 years. Monty Khanna was very friendly when he met me. 
Rather, he was over friendly. He used to always compliment me when he saw me. He told me 
how nice my hair looks and how smooth and fair my complexion was. He always wanted to 
take me out for coffee. On my birthday on December 21, Yr- 1, he even tried to hug me. I 
was surprised at such familiarity. He just laughed at my awkwardness and said that I should 
consider myself lucky as it was not every girl who could get helped by an influential person 
like him. I did not say anything or complain about him as I thought that maybe he is like that 
by nature. Also, I had just joined the job and he could have me thrown out of job as he had 
been there for 15 years. Nobody would believe me as he was married and had a good 
5. On December 31, Yr- 1, we all employees were asked to attend the office party organised 
to celebrate New Year's eve at Happy Hotel. Monty Khanna told me in the afternoon that he 
would pick me up by 7 pm so that we could reach the Hotel by 8 pm, as required. I was 
hesitant to go with him but had no option as I do not have a car and did not want to travel 
alone at night using public transport. Also, he had his driver with him.
6. As soon as I got in his car, Monty Khanna told me that I was looking gorgeous in my saree. 
He had that funny look in his eye. I tried to maintain a normal conversation. We reached the 
hotel at about 8.15 pm.
7. The party was organised in the Easy Life restaurant in the top floor of the hotel. As soon as 
we got into the lift to go to the top floor, Monty Khanna tried to hold my hand. I pushed it 
away and told him to control himself. He pulled me towards him and tried to kiss me. He said 
we should enjoy ourselves and that nobody would find out. I started crying for my mother. I 
told him that I would scream if he came near me. He then calmed down. l was too shocked 
and upset at his conduct to say anything.
8. On reaching the top floor, I rushed out of the lift, scared and terrified. The manager of the 
restaurant was surprised to see my fallen face. He asked me what the matter was but I kept 
quiet as I was so embarrassed.
9. Throughout the party, Monty Khanna was eyeing me. I felt uneasy about it. I left the party 
early and went home. I was too ashamed and worried to tell my mother about the incident. 
What she might think. I could hardly concentrate at work. I wanted to kill myself because I 
would have to see Monty Khanna at work every day.10. Next day at work, I did not meet Monty Khanna. I was tense the whole day and broke 
down when my colleague, Poornima, asked me what was the problem? I told her about it. She 
was very angry and told me to complain to the Managing Director immediately about Monty 
11. After a week, I told my mother about it. After all, if I kept quiet, he would behave 
like that with someone else. My mother talked to my uncle, with whom I went to the police 
and lodged my complaint.
Signed ......................... Dated ........... . .............
1. I, Poornima, w/o Rajesh Roshan, r/o 565, Rohini, Delhi, work in Honeymoon Travels Pvt 
Ltd as the receptionist. I have been working there for two years now.
2. I know Kashish and Monty Khanna as we work in the same company. Kashish joined the 
company very recently, only in December Yr - 1. Monty Khanna was working years before I 
joined the company.
3. I am friendly with Kashish, just like I am with other colleagues. We have often had lunch 
together. Once, we went out shopping as well. Ever since Kashish joined the company, she 
seemed disturbed about Monty Khanna's behaviour towards her. They had to often stay back 
late in office for work. Monty Khanna was trying to be too friendly with her, and even flirt 
with her. He often asked her out. One day, when he gave her lift home in her car, he even 
tried to touch her cheek and held her hand. She did not tell anyone about Monty Khanna's 
misconduct as she did not want to loose her job. Kashish also found out on Christmas Eve of 
Yr - 1 that Monty Khanna was married and had children.
4. On January 1, Yr 0, Kashish came to the office, very nervous and tense. She obviously had 
not slept the entire night. I tried to talk to her several times. Eventually, during coffee break at 
about 4 pm, she started crying and told me, in a disjointed manner, that Monty Khanna had 
tried to misbehave with her the previous evening in the lift of Happy Hotel. I did not go to 
that party as I was celebrating with my husband. I consoled her and told herto report the 
matter to the higher officials in writing. She did not want to tell her family as she felt too 
embarrassed about it.
Signed .........................Dated . ......... ..... .. ........
1. I, Rajiv Kapoor, son of. Ramesh Kapoor, resident of 55 Patel Nagar, Delhi, work as 
Manager, Easy Life restaurant in Happy Hotel, New Delhi. I have been working there for 
about 5 years now.2. I know Monty Khanna. He is personal secretary to the Managing Director of Honeymoon 
Travels Pvt Ltd. Monty Khanna often comes to the restaurant. Each time he comes to the 
restaurant, he is accompanied by a different young lady. He is a lively man and often gets 
intimate with the lady accompanying him. Such behaviour is normally considered 
objectionable by the hotel management but as Honeymoon Travels Pvt Ltd. is a good client 
of the hotel, I don't think it is my business to intervene.
3. On New Year eve, a party was organised by Honeymoon Travels Ltd at the restaurant. 
Monty Khanna came to the party accompanied by a young lady who I had not seen earlier. 
She stepped out of the lift, nervous, harassed and upset. I asked her whether I could help her. 
She looked away and joined the party. I saw her leave shortly. Monty Khanna left with her.1.I, Monty Khanna, son of RadheyShyam Khanna, resident of 44, Greater Kailash I, New 
Delhi work in Honeymoon Travels Pvt Ltd for the past 15 years. I am the personal secretary 
of the Managing Director of the company. I am of good character and reputation in the 
community. My employers can vouch for me that I have been an exemplary employee and 
enjoy a good professional relationship with all the staff.
2. That I am 40 years old and am married. I have a 20 year old daughter. I know Kashish who 
just joined the company in December Yr - 1 as personal secretary of the Director of the 
company. As she is so young and inexperienced, I tried to encourage her and help her. After 
all, she is of the same age as my daughter. I have always had fatherly feelings for her. She too 
always looked up to me for encouragement.
3. I became familiar with Kashish because I often used to invite her for a cup of coffee or a 
cup of tea. Sometimes we have to stay late in the office but she never objected to anything. 
Since she does not have a car, I usually gave her a lift home in my car. She was always 
grateful for that. We had such a warm, affectionate relationship. In fact on her birthday on 21 
December, she gave me a hug to express her attachment to me.
4. During my interaction with Kashish, I discovered that she was keen for promotion in the 
company. She is an intelligent and able young lady. I encouraged her to improve her position 
by showing willingness and doing extra work from time to time. That would impress her 
managers and might even get attention of the Managing Director. She jokingly said to me that 
she might even get promoted to my job soon. I replied that the company would have to fire 
me first. Again I was joking with her but I realise now that she was not joking - she is a very 
ambitious woman who will stop at nothing to achieve her goal.
5. A day before Christmas, we got late at work. Kashish asked me to give her a lift home. On 
the way in my car she began to talk to me about her private life. She started talking to me 
about her intimate thoughts. She was depressed because she had no man in her life. She was 
emotional and had tears on her cheeks. I reached across and wiped them from her face. I 
felt sorry for her and my actions were instinctive in a fatherly fashion. She held my hand for a 
long while and said how she would like to have a man like me and she had dreamt of being 
with me. I was taken aback by this. I told her that I was married and had a daughter. She got 
very upset and disturbed on learning this.
6. Since that day I have tried to be kind to her. I realise that she is going through a difficult 
emotional time. I have spent time with her and encouraged her. Her behaviour towards me, 
however, has become very odd. She often sits and day dreams at her desk. She looks at me 
7. The office organised a New Year Eve party at Happy Hotel on 31 December Yr - 1. I 
offered Kashish that I would pick her up as I knew she had no car. She happily agreed. We 
had lighthearted exchanges in the car. My driver, Sanjay, was driving the car. We reached the 
hotel about 8.15 pm and took the lift to Easy Life restaurant on the top floor of the hotel. 
Suddenly in the lift, Kashish came into my arms and tried to kiss me. I firmly pushed her away saying that I do not appreciate such conduct. Kashish got very upset at my firm stand. 
She began crying saying I was uncaring for her feelings. She threatened me by saying that I 
would regret my actions and then stormed out of the lift. I followed her.
8. Kashish was quiet and subdued in the party. Though I had rebuked her, I was keeping a 
watch on her as I did not want her to do anything drastic. I tried to calm her by telling her that 
I did have feelings for her, she was an attractive woman, sometimes one has to be patient -
the future would bring emotional satisfaction and we could continue our good relationship. 
She was still upset and angry when she left the party. I followed her and suggested that I 
would drop her somewhere near to her house. She did not say anything but walked in the 
direction of my car. My driver, Sanjay, opened the door for her and I joined her on the back 
seat. During the journey back she had calmed down and we spoke about our day and the work 
in a normal manner. We said our goodbyes in our normal familiar way.
9. I only found out about her allegations about 10 days later when the Managing Director 
called me in and introduced me to the police officers. I said straightaway that there was a 
mistake here - and the Managing Director agreed. He said he would be speaking to the 
company's lawyers to sort this out.
10. The allegations against me are false. Although I accept that there were some mutual warm 
feelings of affection between us I deny that I molested Kashish or intruded upon her privacy. 
I believe Kashish has her own personal emotional problems and, being ambitious, she is after 
my job. This is one way in which she can get me out of the way.
1. I, Sanjiv Bhatia, S/o Sunil Bhatia, R/o 1/8, Karol Bagh, Delhi - 5, am the Managing 
Director of H6neymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd. for past ten years. I know both Ms. Kashish and 
Mr. Monty who are working in my company.
2. I state that the working environment in my company is very good and no complaint about
s*xual harassment has been received in this company before the incident under dispute.
3. That on receiving the complaint, I decided to try to resolve the matter amicably. As 
Ms.Kashish was very agitated and disturbed at the time of making complaint against Mr. 
Monty, we decided to talk to her after some time and sort out the matter.
4. On making further enquiries in the company it seems that Ms. Kashish had a soft spot for 
Mr. Monty. The two had got on very well. Ms. Kashish seems to have made her intentions 
clear to fellow staff that she would like to know Mr. Monty better as she felt he was the ideal 
man for her. I too had noticed that whenever I needed someone to stay back late in office, Mr. 
Monty used to suggest Ms. Kashish. As far as I was concerned the two worked very well 
together. I always saw them together at one or other's desk often sitting side by side. I have 
noticed when leaving the office late at night that they were often the last of my employees to 
leave.away saying that I do not appreciate such conduct. Kashish got very upset at my firm stand. 
She began crying saying I was uncaring for her feelings. She threatened me by saying that I 
would regret my actions and then stormed out of the lift. I followed her.
8. Kashish was quiet and subdued in the party. Though I had rebuked her, I was keeping a 
watch on her as I did not want her to do anything drastic. I tried to calm her by telling her that 
I did have feelings for her, she was an attractive woman, sometimes one has to be patient -
the future would bring emotional satisfaction and we could continue our good relationship. 
She was still upset and angry when she left the party. I followed her and suggested that I 
would drop her somewhere near to her house. She did not say anything but walked in the 
direction of my car. My driver, Sanjay, opened the door for her and I joined her on the back 
seat. During the journey back she had calmed down and we spoke about our day and the work 
in a normal manner. We said our goodbyes in our normal familiar way.
9. I only found out about her allegations about 10 days later when the Managing Director 
called me in and introduced me to the police officers. I said straightaway that there was a 
mistake here - and the Managing Director agreed. He said he would be speaking to the 
company's lawyers to sort this out.
10. The allegations against me are false. Although I accept that there were some mutual warm 
feelings of affection between us I deny that I molested Kashish or intruded upon her privacy. 
I believe Kashish has her own personal emotional problems and, being ambitious, she is after 
my job. This is one way in which she can get me out of the way.
1. I, Sanjiv Bhatia, S/o Sunil Bhatia, R/o 1/8, Karol Bagh, Delhi - 5, am the Managing 
Director of H6neymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd. for past ten years. I know both Ms. Kashish and 
Mr. Monty who are working in my company.
2. I state that the working environment in my company is very good and no complaint about
s*xual harassment has been received in this company before the incident under dispute.
3. That on receiving the complaint, I decided to try to resolve the matter amicably. As 
Ms.Kashish was very agitated and disturbed at the time of making complaint against Mr. 
Monty, we decided to talk to her after some time and sort out the matter.
4. On making further enquiries in the company it seems that Ms. Kashish had a soft spot for 
Mr. Monty. The two had got on very well. Ms. Kashish seems to have made her intentions 
clear to fellow staff that she would like to know Mr. Monty better as she felt he was the ideal 
man for her. I too had noticed that whenever I needed someone to stay back late in office, Mr. 
Monty used to suggest Ms. Kashish. As far as I was concerned the two worked very well 
together. I always saw them together at one or other's desk often sitting side by side. I have 
noticed when leaving the office late at night that they were often the last of my employees to 
leave.5. That I have never received any complaint of this nature against Mr. Monty, who has been 
with the company for the last 15 years. He has very good relations with other employees of 
the company.
1. I, Sanjay, S/o Ajay Singh, R/o 21, Pitampura, Delhi, am driver of Mr. Monty Khanna for 
the last two years.
2. On 31 December Yr -1, I had taken Mr. Monty Khanna to the Happy Hotel. Before going 
to the Happy Hotel, we drove first to Ms. Kashish's house to pick her up. During the journey 
to Happy Hotel, they were talking to each other in the pleasant manner. After they went 
inside the Hotel, I waited for them in the parking.
3. Mr. Monty and Ms. Kashish came out of the Hotel around 11 p.m. I was waiting for them. 
Ms. Kashish came straight to the car. I opened the door for her. She looked tired and did not 
acknowledge or smile at me as she normally does when Mr. Monty Khanna gives her a lift 
home. She is a very attractive lady and was looking very pretty that night.
4. Mr. Monty Khanna got into the back with her. And the conversation between them was the 
usual chirpy talk. I hear that kind of talk between them but it is not my business to listen in 
and so I cannot say what they talk about. I just notice that they are always very happy 
together. They often joke that they should live with each other since they spend so much time 
together and it would mean I could finish my driving in the evening.


 1 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     08 November 2022

1. Too long a story to go through and oblige.

2. Prima facie it is a moot-court topic which is to be discussed with your professor / tutor /coach and not on this platform meant for needy litigants.


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