Dear Team,
I have purchased a flat in Year 2013 from a person whose father was dead. The flat was in the name of his father. As per dew law process all legal heirs of the flat, like flat owners wife & his 5 childern have signed & sold me the flat. Process was quite smooth & overall I did not have any issues. However I planned to take a home/mortgage loan on the flat. For mortgage/home loan all the required were documents submitted to bank. But one document bank asking is share certificate. Here Bank is asking to provide the share certificate in a particular flow where (1st Row ) share certificate owner was FATHER, (2nd Row) then after share certificate should be transferred to his wife & 5 childeren and (3rd Row) then after share certificate should be transfered in my name. I asked my society to provide me the share certificate in the same format but society is saying that in 2nd Row of share certificate, all six names can not be put in and society can insert only one name. Overall society is refusing t insert all six names in the share certificate. This particular point have become hurdle for me & due to that my loan is stuck. Request your kind advise for this subject.