My widowed mother, who died intestate at the age of 85, has left behind some valuables and bank balance. She was also getting family pension after the demise of my father about 10 years back. We are five brothers and one sister. My deceased mother (along with my father who was alive then) had gone to live with my youngest brother some15 years back at their own will. I only know about the valuable she had at the time when she along with my father used to live with me (18 years period) or, later on, would come to know during her visit to my family. Although she was also getting family pension, I do not know exactly how much money she would have accumulated and left behind in the form of cash, bank balance etc. She never shared the details of her assets with me or my other brothers/ married sister. Since she had been living with my youngest brother till she breathed her last, he must be in full knowledge of all her assets. The problem is he is not disclosing anything. He seems to have taken it for granted that since he had been taking care of my mother for the last so many years, no one else should discuss or claim his/her share. Please let me know what legal course of actioin is left with us in case my youngest brother refuses to disclose the assets' details as also to part with the share of the remaining legal heirs involved in this case.