Anil Agrawal (Retired) 30 October 2008
Sankaranarayanan (Advocate) 31 October 2008
most of the non banking small institution are not regigetd with rbi . but it is must to know by those who are borrow and keep deposits. but if we prove any default against such firm then the law can give penilised and imposed
Manish Singh (Advocate) 01 November 2008
NBFC has to be registered with RBI otherwise the incorporation has no meaning of such companies if engaged in financial activities.
and yes you are liable to pay commercial taxes since it does not matter where you are doing your business at but if do commercial activities you shall be taxed (which are applicable) accordingly.
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 01 November 2008
Will loans given by such NBFCs be treated as legally enforceable debt if they themselves re not regd with RBI?