Dear Sir/ Madam,
Greetings of the day!!
Recently I have resigned from my previous job under Ministry of Textiles. As per the institute's Service Rule I had to tender a service of 3 months in case of resignation, but due to some reason it fell short by 1 and 15 days. As I understood from the policy, I had to deposit salary in lieu of this short notice period. So I accepted the condition.
Now the Institute has served me a notice to deposit salary including Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance + House Rent Allowance + Travelling Allowance with DA which amounts to Rs. 35398 . As long as I know as per the law, I am bound to deposit the sum including Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance + Other Allowance as HRA and TA is not treated as salary component (basically HRA is for accommodation, but when resigned company is not concerned where will I live or whatsoever and similar is with Travelling Allowance). Therefore as per my calculation, it comes to Rs. 31448.
I suppose I am able to acquaint you with my problem in brief. Hence, I would anticipate any expert to guide me what is the justified calculation, if possible could you please furnish me the rule for short notice period.
Thanking you for your expert lookups
Ashok K Gupta -> 09935258644