As per the latest ruling of the supreme court, stating that: False dowry charge ground for divorce, Supreme Court rules, as it is specifically stated as under:
NEW DELHI: If a woman's complaint accusing her husband and in-laws of cruelty under the dreaded Section 498A of Indian Penal Code turns out to be false, then the man is entitled to divorce, the Supreme Court has ruled.
so, if dowry charges are levelled under DV act, or included in petitions of 125, HMA 24 or even RCR cases filed by wives, does this judgement fit into the picture to constitute cruelty as dowry charges have been levelled.
is this judgement only valid for 498a cases or other cases which i have mentioned which include dowry demand allegations. so in future can this citation be used for divorce cases where 498 has not been filed but dowry charges are leveled in other cases