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Need Help... (MIS-Executive)     03 January 2014

Show time....

Dear Expert,

As you know about my post and stories…

Now the time for show time….

Previously I post I don’t want Divorce coz I love my wife… and my 3 years son, so I don’t want spoiled my life and family.  But after 10 month Long Discussion (Convenience for save family) My wife come to end result She wants Divorce only…. but still i want to save my family including my wife... and son's future

She said She dont want to stay with my Family....

Its on MCD….

But before that she said her lawyer wants to talk to me…. Now I need your help….

Plssss Help me what was he is going to ask me…. ?

And what I have to tell him… ?

About my Job, My Salary, My Property…. ( Which my wife knows already)

About My Son Future… My  Past… My Family…

Plsssss Suggest me…..  I m going to talk to him about save my family… But after all he is lawyer he may be take me left right… So plsss On your experience plssss Suggest me….




 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     03 January 2014

1.    Talk to him as a husband to a wife, father to a child who wants to maintain a family.

2.    Failing which negotiate your exit as her husband and/or as alleged to be missing parent to a minor child all of them on your set of terms and conditions. This is so because Court of law or for that matter Advocates do not often sit dealing with ideal spouse or for that matter with ideal parent or come what may come just save a family. Court already gives such opportunities to spouses which are called as reconciliation - counseling stage as preceded on record.  If either spouse fails to grab opportunities to reconcile during such procedural stage then it is better to part ways on good note and seek last opportunity (cooling period) which comes once again when they opt in for MCD proceedings.

3.  There is no other way to talk either with her Advocate or before Court when you are calling yourself as an adult married parent / person otherwise during pending cases you will always be in duality stage. Take a firm stand what you want out of this marriage then follows how and when of them……..

Colly. reasoning:
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink in today's empowered metro female times.

Need Help... (MIS-Executive)     03 January 2014

I always talk with her as a Husband but she always feel she is a Husband ... about son .. i always see my son as a my heart... Today i m very confuse for only and only because of my son...  I dont want to spoile his life... i have still my father and mother with me... for my wife i leave them for 1 and half year & that time i seen more changes in my life.. i seen them crying .. coz i m leaving them... in that my wife never kept any contact to my family but i never i meet my parents everyday... even my son also dont want to leave them he always like them company. but last 10 months they never seen him i m with them but they never much happy...

i want to see him with my parents and with me.. but not possible...  Lets see for that Lawyer meeting if Main kuch khichadi paka pata hu ki nahi...

Agar ban gayi to bas aur kya chahiye... I Love my wife also.. but...

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