Originally posted by : Avni |
Sorry i didnt get you. of course i want to save my marriage but as this is my dad's money i just wanted to make sure that just in case if he files a divorce what will be the repurcusions out of it. i dont want to get separated from him. but i am getting a feeling that he is just using me he wants my money. his allegation on me is i dont behave with his parents prperly who dont stay with us because of me.i am fed up of everyday fights and today he is asking to stay with my prents so it might happen that he might ask me to leave him so just wanted to be atleast sure about money. As money is the thing which helps you when noone other helps you. |
Oh ho too late to change “my only concern” wordings however this also besides the point here when marriage was great your father for consideration to maintain your relations with him / his side of family was paying for flat purchase and pressing medical needs of in-laws relations which is natural humane behavior to maintain relations and now when husband is acting funny your “main concern diverts to recovery of money” with some justification which is also all right to say.
That is why I said earlier; file a case of recovery of money if paid by cheque that will give him a pause to re-think to file divorce or not. Anyhow one day or the other your main concern has to be addressed socially or legally so keeping matrimony kicking that concern can never be addressed socially for a simple reason either save marriage by sacrificing 10 - 11 L as write-off be it so he is behaving erratically now-a-days or file a complaint case and put him under check and somehow maintain matrimony as well as recover with due process of law (reconciliation etc are such process which are legally done for couples to maintain harmony failing which due process of law takes over then relationship cannot recover / patch up). It is like saying my dad paying you 10 – 11 L, maintain harmony with me I don’t think with that harmony in matrimony can be maintained for long by both sides.
In simple English what you are being suggested is not social talks to recover the money but actual threat (which can even be withdrawn later on once money recovered) i.e. file a case with which recovery is possible if you can prove money trail of giving it. Once money thus recovered you can suggest to him to now maintain harmony in matrimony. That risk is all yours to take.
I can sense your insecurities which is obvious here and my observations are not on them. Or another suggestion is to give present relationship some space and time as right now he is under stress of father's organ transplant coupled with not following his social expectations and making a joint family nucleus (you both living separate from in laws / he saying you donot respect his family etc. etc). You are under impression that with money given rightly when it was needed relationship if goes bad first recover money then maintain relationship is not the way things happen in real world. I said what I have to visualize legally as in above paras. That is limited that can be suggested legally here which was my view.
I mean what is the big deal here once this query enters legal platform after brainstorming socially (which is obvious you / your side might have done earlier) other than to suggest legal ways out where collateral damage is always bound to hit one or both parties that is sad part of using law in a hurry? Or if you have better suggestion let us discuss / iron them out logically keeping law in preview.