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SIFF member(inlaws) ruined my life,so don't trust them.

Page no : 10


Aunty jee,


Point 1 finger at others and the remaining 3 will point at you only.


When you created your new ID Ambika,you fought so much with Arup and Avnish that they call bad names for females.


I know that they used to call bad names very long back.But they stopped it very long back.This is worth appreciation.


Avnish's frustration is understandable since her brother's life is in a mess.Sometimes I was rude to her too,but then I also thought from the point of view of a sister.
And have stopped judging her,though at times I do reply a bit firmly.


However you made a new ID as Ambika and fought so much with Arup and Avnish over their past name calling, in one thread where there was a talk of revealing clothes worn by a wife.


Even I was surprised though I sided with you initially but I felt bad that they have left this habit long back,although they promote live ins.But you went on and on,fighting non-stop with them calling Avnish a b*tch and all these men b*st*rds.

That even the admin got fed up and imposed a 1 hour restriction on your ID Ambika too.


So now you come back with another ID as What's in a name to fight with me now.


As hedevil also you taunted sarcastically several members including payal Deb,Roshni,etc only because they disagreed with you over a few pointsAnd you thought  no one will recognize you as Renuka Gupta.

I have very politely conveyed to you in the above thread that Roshni was talking about others' English which Arup misunderstands.And this is how you react by connecting me with Roshni.

Madam,learn to accept that people can have different view points.If someone disagrees with you,you can disagree with same ID.Why do you want to assume another ID to fight and taunt them,thinking no one will recognize you?

In Payal Deb's case also,she simply gave you a thumbs down symbol.She did not uetter a word.And you taunted her so sarcastically by assuming another ID hedevil hydreheaded!How cheap!


Do you want people to keep following you,just because you are a bit more educated?

I have come across highly educated people but they are so down to earth!


I wish you also learn to become one!


Now I am telling you for the last time,that I don't like these fights with you,because you are hell bent upon impposing your views over others.

I have the proofs with me where you posted as Renuka Gupta by mistake,using the IDs of hedevil and of Ambika.


If you fight or comment on me again,I am going to post those links where you did this goof up.


So better stop commenting upon me and mind your own business.


Once again from my side..PEACE!

Originally posted by :Ambika
some of the participants are so bitter with thier MIL, that they also say that all MIL s are bad.




I want to know in which threads any female participant has said that All MILs are bad?


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     28 February 2011

mr zeeshan,

thanks for the posting.

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Ambika (NA)     28 February 2011

@ All members and admin too

I have been reading these tongue in the cheek remarks. I think for me it is important to explain because my name has been mixed up with 2 unknown persons and 2 known persons.

In several of my thread I did refer that I have been a visitor of this forum for sometime before I registered. I have been reading old threads which are available in the member profile of many. I have been impressed with some of the contributors of few memebers in which Renuka Mam's profile , to me stands out because I am an assistant gender trainer and I found some of her threads very useful for my own trainings. The world is a small place. I had a few months back did hear her in a conference organised by Jadav University and later got a chance on her invitation to participate in a 14 days training worskhop on Gender and violence against women which she had coordinated in Jhar Khand.  I pointed out in several post that yes, I have read her threads here, I have met her in Jadavpur University and I was again with her for 14 days in Jharkhand from where she wrote a few posting, one of them from my  ID too as she was under time restriction and that was the only time available to her during session break.

I need not explain so much and I am explaining not for Meenal but I think if somewhere admin is reading it, admin should know it who is Ambika and who is Renuka Gupta. And I am wrting for some of the old members who would have read her posts.

Coming to Avnish and Sh. Arup, if someone has those old threads, please refer. Arup ji do write in most of the threads about live in relationship, married man and unmarried woman. Not only me, several other members who had joined newly had pointed out the bad mounting of Sri Arup ji and putting down remarks of Avnish ji. Why me alone? The fight was not just by me, the fight was by several other members also where Arup ji's age and appearance was also  ridiculed. Later Pancham Vedi Pandit ji had opined something on Live in relations and I was engaging him more than I was engaging with Arup ji. Anyone who has old threads, please check the context of my argument ( not fight) with Pandit ji.

As far as i have read old threads of Renuka Mam, I have noticed not a single thread she has used abusive language to anyone. But I am of a different temperament, though refrain from abusive language unless I am severely provoked.  When I read Manjit klara has written that b*tches,  for women in the same thread, are biting Arup ji and when Anvinsh ji said Manjit is right I did respond to Avnish ji's suppport to Manjit for such dirty language and Manjit's own language. I have nothing against Avnish and I do not even know her personal story which she may have shared with the forum.

Renuka ji's and I,  we work in the same field though not with each other, and we came to know each other quite recently. In the training mentioned above, we did use some material from the LCI in Gender and Law session for small group work on how in a popular site stereotypes of women and men are constructed and perpatuated. we used a few postings of Prabhakar JI, Renuka Mam herself,  Sivani , Aishwarya without devulging the names. We also used the concept of Opportunity cost  extensively not only in the divorce situation but in the cases of compensation in emergency response on the death of family members due to natural calamities or human induced disasters.

As far as hedevilhydraheaded is concerned, it is not his real name and without his permission I will not reveal his name. He did work with Renuka Mam on a 8 months  project and he did register here after Renuka mam had registered. How Renuka mam would be responsible for his conduct, I am not sure., We all have different outlook in life and we speak different language. As for me I beleive in giving in the same coin when I am confronted with a man's gross abusive language or a kick for a kick. I am a Kalari expert by the way, who can use sticks for self defence and am a great supporter of teaching especially girls and women  to make use of the sticks for self defence.

I have similar views as Renuka 's and have my one foot in theory and another in practice like her but am much junior to her. Since now my ID is confused with her, I wish I can be as strong a woman as she is.

This is all from my side. I do not know who this What's in a name is but I have read the threads where he is attacked and he is confused with,  since you have said is so explicitly, with Renuka mam, and in fact, this way directly she has been attacked. I do not want to even convey it to her, she rarely visits this site because she is busy with her work.

In one of the threads Meenal has referred to her as middle age woman which she is but her energy would put to shame the younger lot. In the same thread Meenal  has referred about Renuka Ji's  separating her daughter from her dad and all. Well, I do not know much about her family life excepting that she is fighting a divorce battle, having a career one can be proud of ,  and taking care of her daughter.

I have learnt one thing from her: Stand away from your expereince and observe whichever expereince it is and then you would know how to accept and forgive and move ahead in your life.

Both I and Renuka Mam are direct critics of SIFF, and I can see it voiced in some threads of Renuka. It is not so difficult to pull out old threads and read and so have I .

I think I have explained myself enough and have nothing more to say. If people take me to be Renuka ji, I will be happy than unhappy. I also know though I am a new member, but old visitor, how Shri Prabhakar ji's gender was confused with  female again and again and very vulgar language was used against him. It's not difficult to know when you( generic)  are reading old threads and talking to  to a person who had participated in this forum actively for sometime.

I do not know who Meenal has referred to as pointing fingers, I just know that combining some IDs in one with flimsy grounds like this, speaks for itself, whether it is done by whta's my name or Meenal Bahadur or anyone else.

Perhaps I should make clear that I am a 36 years old single ( though married) woman, and am soon to get a Ph.d. degree in Social Work. My topic has been Gender in Humanitarian Assistance : A comparative study of Government and NGO led programmes in Uttar Pradesh and Assam, and that's how I got to know Renuka Ji becasue she is a senior consultant in Gender and Emergencies, especially in the conflict zones. If someone has worked in this area, one would know how the world is very small for them and it is not difficult to know one another or meet one another or work with one another unlike other well known disciplines.

Beacuse I have forgetten to mention Mayank, does not mean I am mayank. I am not even remotely connected with him like I am not even remotely connected with What's your name. I mentioned What's in my name more often , because how mine and Renuka ji's IDs were confused with his.

Have nothing to say beyond this....

Peace is not just wishing peace and having peace. It is a difficult process of understanding oneself and coming to terms with oneself. So I will never use this word lightly unless I am sure I am capable of using it.


Mallik Karra (Done with AIBE)     28 February 2011

identity theft, cyber crime.... booming..... cash in lawyers

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Who said Ambika,he devil ABUSED?


 They esp. hedevil passed taunts,sarcastic comments on certain people and showed their restlessness if someone disagreed.


For example hedevil had arguments with Roshni,Payal Deb,Ashutosh,Kushan and many others.And so many comments to Roshni,Payal Deb etc.


If all these people are not the same,how come their writing styles are the same?Are they each others' brothers and sisters?


Maybe Ambika is some student of Renuka in reality.So what?

Renuka can always have an understanding with her student that I am opening an ID in LCI in your name.So if someone says who are you,I will say I am Renuka Jee's student in such and such university.What's the big deal?


As I said earlier also,I have no issues if a person makes multiple IDs.

But taunting someone through another ID because the image of Renuka will go bad if she taunts using her own ID,is not desirable.Just to protect your image,you assume other IDs and taunt few people who not right

I knew since long back that Renuka is Ambika.But I did not utter it as Renuka had restrictions and I am not so cheap that I like to expose people..But now when I revealed this truth,I have strong reasons for doing so.Not just me,many other people doubt that Ambika is Renuka...I won't name them

Yes I like PEACE.We both are supporting female's rights.


There can be a few differences on certain points.Even my best friends in personal life have few differences of opinions.That doesn't mean we taunt or force our views.

Same I expect here.




Ambika (NA)     28 February 2011

Again @ all members and Admin

No one has a right to question someone's integrity and I strongly oppose it. No,the above mentioned clues are no clues eshtablishing that  I , Renuka Mam, Mayank, Hedevil Hydraheaded  are all one.

Renuka mam is not my teacher and we do not work in the same place . Why would she  ask anyone to use thier IDs and  when she used she did explain it in the open forum.  A person consistently cannot switch from one style of language to another style. Sarcasm as a manner of expression does not come easy to everyone.

I am open to any length of enquiry by admin. on the veracity of my ID and I am sure so would be Renuka Mam, if there is a need for it. A senior consultant like her would never allow herself to do this sort of thing with her co workers ( short term ) , that does not mean younger people would like to do it either. After all, lot of members had known her on this forum also.

I am not fond of using multiple IDs.

I unserstand , if What's in your name is a gentelman, how he would have felt for Renuka Mam when she was dragged unnecessarily, her dignity was being stripped off ,  and she was being confused with him. I gather from his thread he does not even know who this woman was but felt for her in a way any gentel man would feel.  At least now he will know for which woman he was feeling sad and which c hild he felt was unnecessarily dragged into the thread.

One can keep on working onone's  assumptions and just because one  thinks multiple ID use is not bad , does not mean that I will agree that yes, I and Renuka are one person. Or that Renuka Mam is using  mine or Hedevil's. If hedevil was sarcastic,how someone else can be responsible for it? . You(generic)  cannot control your(generic)  co workers in their personal communications, though you may influence them.

We all know as mature persons that there will be agreement and disagreement in a forum like this, some would respond sarcastically, someone respond non sarcastically. So, is that ground enough to have so many IDs mixed up with a single person? 

No one  can control everyone's movement and  who is following which thread and writing what and in which manner.

For membes who may want to know further information on me out of a natural curiosity in this discourse of Identities :

Native: Kerala ( Learnt Kalari there since my Childhood, and am very proud of this skill )

Part School Education and Graduation : Kerala and  Kolkata

Higher Education: University of Rajasthan with  a JRF fellowship

Presently : Submitted thesis  and waiting for my VIVA.

Working: As  a junior Gender Trainer and evaluation  officer for a reputed INGO the name of which I will not reveal without thier premission and that's why I thought it is better not to reveal it under my name tag

Marital status: Complicated, but no legal battle

Lastly @ mallik

You mentioned about ID theft. Who had stolen whose IDs? and what cyber crime was committed and by whom? When you have time, do explain.








On the 1st pg. of the above thread,hedevil writes something and renuka thanks him,showing her ignorance,as if she does not know him.this thread is dated 23rd Oct,2010.





In the above thread few extracts of he devil in reference to Renuka Gupta say, :

"We do not know each other personally on this forum, it is just that we feel affinity to some postings and we reply positively to those postings.

I cannot answer who  Renuka Gupta is, I know her as much as I know you and other members of this forum."


Now you claim that Renuka and he devil work on same project.So what happened in above threads?Go and tell these stories to others who  are too innocent to believe you.




Now see below the most interesting thing:



In the above thread Renuka writes something and Arup replies to her.Immediately Renuka replies using her ID of Hedevil..Then she realises her mistake,gets embarassed and suddenly says for the 1st time that Hedevil is known to her..So she replied using his ID.

Since the embarassment is still there,on the 2nd page of this thread,Renuka is giving a long explanation that she posted from hedevil's ID because he is her colleague..It means that they know each others' passwords.But in above 2 thread links it has been said that they don't know each other.




In the above thread,Renuka posts mistakingly,using Ambika's ID,then realises her mistake and says: :"I posted from Ambika's ID as she is my student".

So passwords of student & colleagues are known.

Now what does all this show?Wise people will understand what's going on.Still if you want to defend all these doings,please carry on.


There were many more threads i cannot recall where these goof ups were done,but immediately covered,so that no one comes to know.

I do not like to expose someone like this.I understand here that every one has his own sets of problems for which he is at LCI including Ms. Renuka.But I was forced to do so,for reasons you know already.

Now you may give as many explanations you want.I may not respond to you again.


Even if admin checks ur IPs,as i have come to know lately,they can also be manipulated.

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On the 1st pg. of the above thread,hedevil writes something and renuka thanks him,showing her ignorance,as if she does not know him.this thread is dated 23rd Oct,2010.





In the above thread few extracts of he devil in reference to Renuka Gupta say, :

"We do not know each other personally on this forum, it is just that we feel affinity to some postings and we reply positively to those postings.

I cannot answer who  Renuka Gupta is, I know her as much as I know you and other members of this forum."


Now you claim that Renuka and he devil work on same project.So what happened in above threads?Go and tell these stories to others who  are too innocent to believe you.




Now see below the most interesting thing:



In the above thread Renuka writes something and Arup replies to her.Immediately Renuka replies using her ID of Hedevil..Then she realises her mistake,gets embarassed and suddenly says for the 1st time that Hedevil is known to her..So she replied using his ID.

Since the embarassment is still there,on the 2nd page of this thread,Renuka is giving a long explanation that she posted from hedevil's ID because he is her colleague..It means that they know each others' passwords.But in above 2 thread links it has been said that they don't know each other.




In the above thread,Renuka posts mistakingly,using Ambika's ID,then realises her mistake and says: :"I posted from Ambika's ID as she is my student".

So passwords of student & colleagues are known.

Now what does all this show?Wise people will understand what's going on.Still if you want to defend all these doings,please carry on.


There were many more threads i cannot recall where these goof ups were done,but immediately covered,so that no one comes to know.


Now you may give as many explanations you want.I may not respond to you again.


Even if admin checks ur IPs,as i have come to know lately,they can also be manipulated.


I do not like to expose someone like this.I understand here that every one has his own sets of problems for which he is at LCI including Ms. Renuka.But I was forced to do so,for reasons you know already.

zimmerzapper (student)     28 February 2011

wow this show is much better than cid

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Author Prasanjeet tried to throw MUD on the Organisation with Noble Motives like SIFF but finally failed.

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Ambika (NA)     01 March 2011

No it is not much better than CID. It is not even better than an MA research  dissertation.

It reads a closer reading and how things have been distorted and taken out of context on a false assumption that everyone is after Meenal Bahadur, at least 5 persons mentioned by her?  I need not even reply to this thread, but I will do it at the cost of wasting my time.

Meenal , do not feel bad because you have not exposed anyone.

IPS checked and manipulated: Good learning from a learned member.

Now the proof you have given, I will take them in my post below:

1) how does it establish that hedevil and renuka, what is in a name and Mayank are one person?

2) Renuka Mam never denied her relation with me and hedevil, so where is the exposure?

3) Why should One mention one's co worker without the need of it?  When there was need, she mentioned it and Arup ji accepted it.

4) When one work together, they do share each others computers,, It is given it in her  reply and I do not see any reason why she should not have explained it when the need arose. So you have not exposed anything excepting bringing in an old thread.

Look at what is written from my ID and ofcourse, in front of me, when her message was not moving. A participant is different from a student. And if I mentioned her as my teacher , it was because I consider her my teacher and mentor because I have learnt a great deal from her.I quote the entire text fronm the thread which you have posted :

"Dear All, 

this is to clarify that I have used the ID of Ambika to send across my message as my message was not going and I did want to convey what I wanted to convey.

Many may wonder how I know Ambika. She is currently participating in a gender training facilitated by me in Jharkhand, and we are using some material from LIC to discuss on how men perceive women and about gender stereotypes. I beleive now Ambika also is under one hour's restriction, because when I was trying to send message through her ID, the message came that she can post only after an hour.

My this note is to clarify any issue which may crop up about my ID. 

Regards to all



So where is the mention of a student?

Participants are not students, and if I mentioned in one of  the deleted threads thread she is a great teacher when yu asked me how do I know her, it is because I participated in her workshop and learnt a great deal. I hope it is now clear to you Meenal Bahadur that a teacher not ncessarily has to be in school or college and a participant is not a student in the formal sense of the term.

As far as I am concerned , no one shares password with me.

And read her explanation to Arup Ji. Why one should feel embarassed to explain when one feels it is required?

Head reading and head hunting would not take one far.

And now please go on show the connection of me, her, mayank and what's my name. Your habit of confusing ID is not just for this one. You have questioned Pancham Vedi ji, and you have questioned a retired person about his ID also. Now I am not sure what is your agenda in maligning me or along with me a person who is no longer in the picture. Because I am involved , I am spending my time in writing, though I need not explain any further.

Go ahead, bring in certainly more threads and your assumption regarding them.   Why one should not thank one's co worker without letting others know one is a co worker, it is her libertty to disclose someone's connection with her or not and it is her right to decide when to disclose it and whether to disclose it.

This is by all means my last posting. and whaterver be the amount of provocation, I am not going to engage with you who can afford to spend a considerable time for LCI. Not everyone is so fortunate when it comes to time. I will yet waste time if there is a misreading or misinterpretation of the threads where I am involved,though I have taken pains this time to go through the past thread and let you know.

By the way Meenal , when did you join LCI , I forgot to ask you. And if I gather correct I got to know from the threads that you joined much later when the middle aged woman, who spearated her child from her dad had already stopped coming to the forum,  as I know now because of her preoccupation with her professional work. So ofcourse I wonder when she does not even know you how she will be after you in the garb of someone??? People have better work to do than folllow you. At least I can speak of myself because I was identified with what's in a name, and Mayank and ofcourse Renuka mam.

Now it is my turn to bring in some threads. But let this post go as of now.

As for me,  I have not come to this forum because I have a legal problem in my life, but because I do find in this forum material and some very good legal opinions which are useful for my own work in the social sector. There are surely many people who may have come to this forum without any personal problems to exchange opinions.

I will bring in the threads mentioned above by and by as I am under one hour's restriction, like Democratic Indian and Roshani, so my posts would remain slow but would reach in its own time.


I think Meenal is right......Ambika,Renuka Gupta and hedevil are same.



First hedevil said he does not know Renuka and then Renuka is saying hedevil is her colleague and she knows him.....then why hedevil said he doesn't know Renuka?


In another thread Renuka said she posted from hedevil ID and  it was a mistake.......but according to Ambika, Renuka is very busy in her job..........then how she got the time to post on LCI ( 14 dec 2010 was tuesday,a working day) and that too in between ( 14:02 - 16:21 )......and why Renuka and hedevil were surfing LCI from their office in working time and that too at the same time?


In yet another thread Renuka said she posted from Ambika ID and again it was a mistake......Renuka said Ambika is her participant currently in Jharkhand.........then how both of you got the time there to post on LCI and that too at the same time? ( 17 FEB 2011 THURSDAY a working day) ( 14:12 - 14:23).........and you realized your mistake in just 11 minutes.


LCI is not a cricket match jo bol diya ki chalo match lagao match dekhte hain.  Do you all (Renuka Ambika hedevil) used to say chalo LCI kholo posting karte hain? just like cricket match which we watch all together.


CHOR kitna bhi shatir ho ek galti zaroor karta hai......par tumne to yahan galtiyan hi galtiyan ki hain.:P

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Ambika (NA)     01 March 2011

I just read one of your threads so there are some more left over matters from the other one


About Arup ji's English bit:

Am I personal in that bit of mine?  Where is hounding or sarcasm directed at you?

2. If Hedevil does not recognise Renuka ji, it is his wish, noone can do anything about it. And if she chose to give the explanation, it is her wish what time and manner she had chosen. Any sarcasm for you?

3. Wise people would also know that Meenal Bhadur who joined LCI in January 2011, is diving deep into the archives--a good thing for learning--and is targeting consistently a certain woman and along with her some others who she suspect are hounding her.

Hedevil never appeared for a long long time so he would have never hounded Meenal. Renuka ji, how she would hound you when she is not even coming.

4. Show me one line that has said from me ( Renuak ji did not even know you) where I have said you and Roshani are one. In fact I think you are not. She is much balanced in her views than you are.


Until you declared my name, I never passed any personal comment on you , leave alone sarcastic comment

Now wise people would also know that meenal has an obsession with getting into the IDs analysis and in the process stripping of a woman without any reason of her dignity( I did not even know exactly who you were referring till today you came out with the names)


Doubting Retired Person's ID. Note the very personal language that she is using and for what purpose.


Obsession continues:  MAYANK again getting confused with What is in a name( till that time they were not Ambika) Look at the context if it demanded such a personal outburst from her?


@ Ravi Rocks

You need to learn a more about the work space.

Renuka busy--well , now hunt for the posts since when she stopped coming to the forum


2. Training? Yes

Session breaks and everyone is on their computer, and can do whatever they wish to do. A training has several breaks and group works if you have attended one. It does not take much time to shoot off messages.

3. In an adult training , people sit with their computers on and  can use internet the break.

So Ravi Rocks I do not want to say further. It shows either you have never done a participatory training session or never did freelance work where you can minimise a forum like LCI and when you want to take a break, you can shoot off the matter at the same time any time you wish to. There is no 9-5 time , you may have to compensate your time by working late into the night. The foolishness I am doing now, I have to compensate now by overworking tomorrow .



I just read one of your threads so there are some more left over matters from the other one


About Arup ji's English bit:

Am I personal in that bit of mine?  Where is hounding or sarcasm directed at you?

2. If Hedevil does not recognise Renuka ji, it is his wish, noone can do anything about it. And if she chose to give the explanation, it is her wish what time and manner she had chosen. Any sarcasm for you?

3. Wise people would also know that Meenal Bhadur who joined LCI in January 2011, is diving deep into the archives--a good thing for learning--and is targeting consistently a certain woman and along with her some others who she suspect are hounding her.

Hedevil never appeared for a long long time so he would have never hounded Meenal. Renuka ji, how she would hound you when she is not even coming.

4. Show me one line that has said from me ( Renuak ji did not even know you) where I have said you and Roshani are one. In fact I think you are not. She is much balanced in her views than you are.


Until you declared my name, I never passed any personal comment on you , leave alone sarcastic comment

Now wise people would also know that meenal has an obsession with getting into the IDs analysis and in the process stripping of a woman without any reason of her dignity( I did not even know exactly who you were referring till today you came out with the names)


Doubting Retired Person's ID. Note the very personal language that she is using and for what purpose.


Obsession continues:  MAYANK again getting confused with What is in a name( till that time they were not Ambika) Look at the context if it demanded such a personal outburst from her?


@ Ravi Rocks

You need to learn a more about the work space.

Renuka busy--well , now hunt for the posts since when she stopped coming to the forum


2. Training? Yes

Session breaks and everyone is on their computer, and can do whatever they wish to do. A training has several breaks and group works if you have attended one. It does not take much time to shoot off messages.

3. In an adult training , people sit with their computers on and  can use internet the break.

So Ravi Rocks I do not want to say further. It shows either you have never done a participatory training session or never did freelance work where you can minimise a forum like LCI and when you want to take a break, you can shoot off the matter at the same time any time you wish to. There is no 9-5 time , you may have to compensate your time by working late into the night. The foolishness I am doing now, I have to compensate now by overworking tomorrow .


If you are a lwa student, dispatch the matter to a lawyer who is a cyber law expert. Good matter for discussion in your class sessions.









@ Mallik-

Why you think so negative.........


Prasanjeet has clearly stated SIFF members (inlaws), mark the word "inlaws" here, have ruined her life.

She is mainly pointing towards her inlaws...and the word SIFF here is used only  bcoz her inlaws were in SIFF and not to defame SIFF.


And she hasn't failed....her story is public now.........members and guests have seen her thread.......and see the replies......its over 150........and she has gained sympathy of many users.:P

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