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babloo27071985 (employee)     30 May 2015

Signed document of dowry taken

i have signed on a document statin that i have taken dowry and even my inlaws have signed on another document stating that they have given dowry

now quiery is that i read some where that agreement of taking and giving dowry is "'void" (invalid) correct me if iam wrong.   so, can my inlaws can file a dowry case on me fo signing on that document?

 7 Replies

babloo27071985 (employee)     30 May 2015

actually i have signed and taken an X amount and later i have given the same amount ot my wife and had taken written statement from her that she has taken the amount ad with he free will she has given to me..... can my inlaws still file any case on me

saravanan s (legal advisor)     30 May 2015

have you stated that you had taken dowry or is it a list that contains the list of articles thats been gifted from your inlaws to their the latter case it amounts to sreedhan and it becomes your wifes property and it doesnt come under dowry

babloo27071985 (employee)     30 May 2015

sir thank you for your reply actually the story is 

hello sir , iam a sunni muslim,
i got married as per muslim personal law, in  march 2013
my inlaws reside in the same colony and they approched my mom and fixed the marriage and with they free will they told that they will give an X amount including the house hold articles and within 2 days engagement date was fixed and in the engagement i saw the bride and the next morning my mom told them for cancellation of marriage for which hey had lodged a (false case)(fir 417/420 against me and m family members as we took the X amount and escaped and not willing to marry but within 4 days i secured AB  and later they came and started harrasing me actually im a state govt employee ad my probation is not yet completed so  they started harrasing me that theyy will make me lose my job so i agreed to their conditions and for that they made a 100 stamp paper on which it was written as i had taken the amount (dowry) on  the day engagement itself and they made me to sign on that doc. later they had given me a doc 100 stamp paper tat they had given me the amount (dowry)after i secure AB ie., the day the agreemnet was signed and then the marriage took place later after marriage  the charges on me were closed on compromise.
the amount which the bride bother has given me i had given the same amount and i had taken a written statement from my wife as willingly given the amount to me as savings and she will take it whenever she is in need. 
now do i come under the purview of Dowry law
sir i can post the 100 stamp papers actually it s written in telugu should i post it plz reply me sir

saravanan s (legal advisor)     30 May 2015

now your inlaws or your wife creating any problem for you.are they harassing you by any means

babloo27071985 (employee)     30 May 2015

no sir not really but im scared that they might come to my home or at my office and make galata and rigister another false complain actually im scared of DV as iam already secured for 498a (as i got AB for that) iam an govt servant sir iam scared of lossing my job thats whats their main motto

babloo27071985 (employee)     30 May 2015

sir wife left home jan 2014 and the marriage is broken from heart and my age is 28 and i just want to move on actually iam suffering daily by thinking what will they do next etc........ etc now i want to get rid of this relationship hence planning for talaq [(triple talaq) without the consent of wife] iam planning to send a Demand Draft of the amount they offered me at the time of marriage and the mehr amount which i obeyed to the wife at the time of marriage and three months maintainance. am i goimg corret sir , will this steps backfire me? kindly advice me sir

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 August 2015

Be low lying. You are govt servant on probation.  You cannot be confirmed during criminal case and made be on the road.


I hope you have not even informed your deptt that you are on bail (which is an indipendent misconduct)

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