There was a big strucutre given to Sindhis when they came to India as refugess by a Sindhi landlord. All the lessees initially were Sindhis. But the landlord passed away and the land has come under the control of a developer. The developer has constructed 2 and 1/2 buildings in that plot. By year 2010 out of 43 lesses, 7 were Sindhi lesses and in due course of time lessees of other communities signed up with developer and builder and the 6 tenants of remaining 7 lesses were forced to sign up with builder.
Many civil cases are going on in the city civil court and high court in this regard.
The most important point is that a very precious Sindhi literature was born and written on that land. Currently the Sindhi lessees are fighting their legal battles individually. The builder's/defendant's lawyer is buying time by raising the section 9A issue under CPC.
From the RTI information, it seemed that the list of tenants prepared by builder was like an Excel sheet with no supporting documents. Also in the conveyance deed many rent receipts are missing. The remaining lesses have paid property tax upto Dec 2014 and the strucutre was demolished in July 2014
a) Is there anyway provision under law where we all 7 Sindhis can unite and fight against the builder on the grounds of Sindhi Minority. The builder has not submitted all the 43 the rent receipts/agreements and managed to get his 2 and 1/2 out of 3 buildings constructed.
b)If we want to fight for our rights then will it be a civil case or criminal case or any other case?
c)What kind of organisation we can form to protect the land -related rights which the builder has taken away from these 7 Sindhis?
Please share inputs on this
Lata L Bhambwani