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Rachna   09 July 2017

Small enterprise registration under msmed act 2006

Dear Sir,

I was running a manufacturing unit. The investment falls under small enterprise as per MSMED Act 2006. I have not filed EM-PART-1 & EM PART-2 with Local  DIC.

I have supplied material to a customer. He is not making any payment to me since 2 years. Due to that, i have to close down my unit but not surrendered my VAT Registration.

I told him that i will go to MSME Facilitation council to recover my dues. He told me that Since i have not filed EM-PART-1 & EM PART-2 from DIC, i will not be able to recover my dues under section 2 (n) of MSMED Act 2006.

I have gone thru MSMED Act & found that Section 8 (1) a says that a small enterprises may file memorandum at his discretion.

Can i file Part-2 with DIC Now ?.

Kindly guide / advise me.





 1 Replies

Saurendra Rautray (advocate)     03 August 2018

Dear Sir,

First kindly see if your claims are still within 3 years of limitation since you have said the payment is old. if it is within three years then next question is what kind of organisation you had . Was it a company, firm etc.

Saurendra Rautray

Rautray & Co

New Delhi


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