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Raj (CA)     11 September 2013

Smart husbands - safeguard your hard earned wealth

All smart husbands going thru divorce / 498A / DV battles or even anticipating false cases from their wives have an opportunity to safeguard / transfer / sell their movable / immovable properties before the new IRBM / Alimony law kicks in. Do take all the precautions to protect your hard earned wealth / properties from your greedy wives. Consult your chartered accountants / lawyers / advocates as there is no universal formula on doing this as each case is different. Now and this is the only time (2 months) to do this as once the law is in force thereafter any attempt done to protect your wealth will be perceived as " maliciously done to deprive your wife of her share & rights".

Better to do it now than to feel sorry later..........and try to do it as quietly, stealthily and surreptitiously.

 11 Replies

Navaneetha Krishnan (engineer)     11 September 2013

If the divorce proceedings are started within this two months are we considered to be in danger zone still?

Seeking Divorce (IT)     11 September 2013

what is the new IRBM / Alimony law


@ raj.... but this law is applicable only for the cases of IRBM for which 3 yrs separation is compulsory.

in my case currently divorce case mental cruelty is going on filed by wife. only one yr of separation.

am i still in danger zone? regarding my property?


Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     11 September 2013

1.    There is no need to spread such panic.

2.    First try to understand Laws and its applications and how Laws are challenged in Hon’ble SC, instead of summarily spreading such panics in public legal forums.

3.    Suggested to create financial pool of funds to challenge such bad Bills as and when they become Laws by approaching seasoned advocates to take up common cause cases for larger public interests.

Face an issue head-on which is suggested advice over suggesting running-away from such issues which should never be suggested in public forums.

5 Like

Raajeev Sampat. (Self employed.)     12 September 2013

Agree with tajobs.Face head on and if you have genuine reasons where you feel that money should not be given to her the court will see through it.I am happy to tell you the court is no longer pro woman.They now look at all cases equally,because of plenty of incorrigible women in the past have twisted the law to their advantage.

1 Like

Kristen (HR)     12 September 2013

After divorce case filed and the court is boycotting due to some state problems then what happens to the divorce case filed and when it again comes to hearing?? If this condition happens to mutual concern divorce when the couple will get divorce?? Any suggestions please...

ashoksrivastava (scientist)     12 September 2013


Originally posted by : Tajobsindia

1.    There is no need to spread such panic.

2.    First try to understand Laws and its applications and how Laws are challenged in Hon’ble SC, instead of summarily spreading such panics in public legal forums.

3.    Suggested to create financial pool of funds to challenge such bad Bills as and when they become Laws by approaching seasoned advocates to take up common cause cases for larger public interests.

Tajobs sir I totally agree with you that funds should be collected to file PILs to challenge bad laws in SC.. Can you pl. take initiative and suggest the modalities.  I am willing to contribute. and request other like minded persons to join hands.

Regards ASHOK

Face an issue head-on which is suggested advice over suggesting running-away from such issues which should never be suggested in public forums.

rajiv_lodha (zz)     12 September 2013

Count myself IN for this cause

victim (master)     12 September 2013

I am also ready for this.

rising up again (FFF)     12 September 2013

AM IN !!! and am sure many many more can..

I can even make media join us... as i am from the industry..

Lets do something before this goes out of hand..

Raj (CA)     13 September 2013


1.    There is no need to spread such panic.


I am not trying to spread panic , just trying to caution husbands who have acquired various properties after marriage. Prevention better than cure. Urban wives are more motivated to file false cases and harass husbands in connivance with their advocates just because husband is successful in business and wives are jealous and want to have their way.


2.    First try to understand Laws and its applications and how Laws are challenged in Hon’ble SC, instead of summarily spreading such panics in public legal forums.


3.    Suggested to create financial pool of funds to challenge such bad Bills as and when they become Laws by approaching seasoned advocates to take up common cause cases for larger public interests.

This is a very good suggestion and it is high time that the men/husbands get their act together and fight against these women-centric laws. Will gladly contribute for this. How to challenge these laws ? Need your guidance, please suggest some seasoned advocates who can take up the cause....should pay their price, but someone who can fight for the justice of the innocent victim husbands trapped by the black mailing urban wives grossly misusing the law..

Face an issue head-on which is suggested advice over suggesting running-away from such issues which should never be suggested in public forums.

Most of the good earning / established businessmen husbands are not aware of the laws & initially just want to avoid getting into litigations without understanding the seriousness of the situation till it gets too late for them....the urban wives would have already done their ground work and filed the false complains...

Dear Tajobs, Please suggest strategy to get started on challenging the existing DV & 498a & upcoming  Laws to plug the loopholes that urban wives take advantage of !!!!

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