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R C Nigam (xxxxxxxxx)     14 April 2011

Social Order free of Caste & Creed

The ideological diference to the level of disrespect of the Congress for the revolutionaries, was visible once again, in the introduction of the great revolutionaries, who are reverred and loved by us for the supreme sacrifice to liberate the motherland from the clutches of the British. I understand, millions of us had ever tried to know the caste of AZAD or Bhagat Singh or their companions. Many amongst us may not be knowing the caste of Bismil, Ashfaqullah..................or that of Veer Savarkar, who had escaped from the ship by slipping in the high sea, but captured on French soil, as the French authorities ignored Int'l Law to favour the British.

The manner in which the Congress projected their caste and described their involvement in the daring act of shoot out as ' muder' , is a matter of utter shame for us, and the high pitch of furore over it was but natural. However, the whole philosophy of Congress-founded by a British civil servant, for using it as a safety valve-has always been like that. It is a truth that Congress remained reluctant on the question of saving the precious lives of those WARIORS. It had failed to act and honour the great Mr Savarkar, whose sacrifice was unmatched, after the power was transfered in its hands by the British. Even his confiscated property was not released for years together. Everyone of us knows that even Gandhi had taken the victory of Bose as his defeat, when he was elected President of Congress. The School books during Congress regime had depicted the Sikh Gurus in undesirable manner, which was latter on rectified.

The whole philosophy of Congress being devoid of nationalty, is the root cause of such obnoxious acts being committed by the Congress. This finds manifestation in all its evils and ills of the nation. Presumably, the distorted philosophu/JEEVAN DARSHAN of the majority of us, is also additive to the Congress thinking. The Furore, therefore, on the highlighting of the warriors by the Congress, though natural but unwanted. In this context, I have been noting with pleasure that BABA Ramdev is doing a yeomen job, who is inculcating nationalism along with YOG practice, even amongst the SANYASIS.

 2 Replies

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     17 April 2011

Dear Mr.RC Nigam, thanks for the update but please do not talk of FREE OF CASTE since you have added your caste with your name.May I ask, is your name R.C, presumably Ram Chandra or Ramesh Chandra or R.C.NIGAM?Then why you comment on Caste policy of Congress?I am neither a BJP, nor a Cogress or any other political party supporter but simply an ordinery Indian citizen.

And who cares for Shahid Bhagat Singh,Chandra Shekhar Azad (You may not be aware of his name even that's why mentioned as AZAD) or Veer Savarkar or many other shahids at all.Can you ever locate the park where CS Azad sacrificed his life at Allahabad?No monument ever existed either.Many parties have ruled since their sacrifice no matter many of the times it was Congress but how about others.

And since when you have started dreaming a leader in Baba Ramdev?He is all for publicity, money, fame and power.Do sanyasis live in air conditioned buildings, roam in the luxurious cars, charge a hefty fee for their preachings for others and sell powder of bones in the name of medicines, claiming miracle for the hair by rubbing the fingers nails.?Do you call these BHOGIS as YOGIS?

Please Mr.R.C. don't be hypocrite and if you believe in casteism believe it boldly otherwise delete that word NIGAM from your name.I added my caste DHUSIA because I am a scheduled caste by birth and have pride in being so if that is the philosophy of Hinduism which I denounce being a Hindu by birth.Be practical and you are the castiest yourself first then dont try to cast others into different mould.

Sorry for being too harsh on the subject because I hate casteism.


R C Nigam (xxxxxxxxx)     17 April 2011

Thank u Mr Dhusia 4 the mental food that u have served. I am sorry 4 the use of NIGAM, unconciously, perhaps bekz of the prevalant CARTEISM, though there is no ISM in me that I know or my friends, including SC friends.

So far, I could not find fault with Ramdeo, who has made millions to take advantage out of YOG-an ancient philosophy. Many a people r charging heftly 4 teaching YOG (Pranayam & Asans). To my knowledge, he has neither committed any fraud or violated any law of the land. It is strange that we Indians don't raise a little finger against the loot by foreign companies thru Cosmetics, Soaps, Detergents, Medicines etc. We fell in their trap, when they told the elete Indian girls not to breast feed their offspring, lest they spoiled their figure. Now they only r supplying medicines for various health problems created by the propaganda. We readily accept a tooth paste enriched sometimes with SALT, sometimes with CALCIUM and after a gap with anti sensitive ingredient. Such MNCs r fined 4 their objectionable trade practices, but r hostile if some Indian enters business (indegineous production). I don't feel he had some patronage from someone for expanding his 'empire'. Coming from a so called backward class poor family, he is a self made person, whose efforts r helping not only Indians but the whole world. If he is a 'fraud' selling bones in the name of Ayurved, I fail 2 understand why people go for it & how it is found effacacious in disease.

I shall not drop NIGAM, but at the same time I do not and  shall not believe in CASTEISM; only bekz I m not a hypocrite.

Pl do not feel guilty 4 being 2 harsh. I can understand ur psychology for being harsh and also 4 feeling sorry-a HINDU syndrome-.

With regards,


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