i have filed an injunction suit against some persons in civil court, during cross examination of defendant the defendant lawyer repeatedly interrupts the cross examination of defendant saying this question as out of subject, my council even said he has full right to ask such questions under sec.144 of evidence act, but judge also favors the defendant and ask my council to prove the point, where as it is mandatory to ask those questions to come to the point,... but defendant council repeatedly interrupts the questions... what best can be done?
Edited with further details: The issue is when ever a tricky question is put up to the witness, the defence laywer stands up objecting and during course of his objection gives indirect answers to the witness.... this is alerting the witness.... through my lawyer objected formally this to honble court, but he does it again and again and honble court is not restraining him firmly.... (Dont understand why?) is there any provision in law where in we can request honble court to keep defence council out of hall during cross examination, or any other similar provisions, where defence counsil should be strongly instructed to not to interveen during cross examination?