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Anuj   19 November 2017

Some making his ID's On my address

Dear all Respected People,
kindly help me

A guy who was on rent in my home before 5 years ago, he is still making his ID's on my address like UID, VOTER ID CARD and others,
and just 2 days ago I did got a UID by his name in my address,

and also before some years ago police did visit my home 3 time for him,

I am worry on it,
that may be he is doing miss using these papers who he did made on my address, or may Be he is in any criminal activitys,

kindly suggest me what I can do in it.
and how I can stop him, even I didn't know that where he do living now.

thanks &Regards
Anuj Shankhdhar


 4 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     19 November 2017

Inform all authorities who come searching for him about this. Return his post courier with remark, person not living here. Maximum you can give newspaper public notice about his not living at your house since last 5 years and show that to anyone coming searching for him.
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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     19 November 2017

Well advised by expert Mr. Vijay Raj Mahajan, I agree.

To add to it you should inform the police as well as the authorities issuing ID on your address.

1 Like

Anuj   19 November 2017

thanks both of you sir

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     19 November 2017

Further, catch hold of him with address and issue a regd legal notice warning him of using your address though he was not residing since.....and thereby misleading authorities with fake address.

You may also direct him to immediately get his address updated wherever your address is given and warn him that a police complaint will be lodged if action taken against this notice is not responded in writing confirming needed facts.

(Instead of wasting amount on advertisement, this may be helpful only if you know his address)

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