Can we contribute to Entity having registered CSR NO and discharge obligations under csr.
Should we ask them to allot any project reference to check end point reach
Jayanta Bandyopadhyay 23 December 2024
Can we contribute to Entity having registered CSR NO and discharge obligations under csr.
Should we ask them to allot any project reference to check end point reach
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 23 December 2024
If you aree referring CSR as corporate social responsibilkity then:
CSR is based on the belief that businesses have a greater duty to society than just providing jobs and making profits. It asks business leaders to consider their decisions' environmental and social impacts in order to reduce harm where possible.
Socially responsible practices can benefit a business and make a positive impact on the world, regardless of the company's size.
You may enquire properly before investing and look for the pros and cons that would impact your investment
P. Venu (Advocate) 28 December 2024
What is the context for this query?