Hello All,
He(Friend) re married to another girl, but the first wife filed the case 498a on the day of after marriage(she knows about the marriage before itself ) , So the judgement will be based on his second marriage or the harassment(ie 498a). case.( because Harrasement is false case)..
To be true , he looked for his first wife for more than 1 yr, but she never replied back(she says she will come, but doesnt) , even my friend sent the notices from the court to comeback but didnt responded to the notices.
So, on one fine day..he remarried to another girl ..on the marriage day police came and arrested my friends and his family members(actaully they didnt harresed her )
so now the case is since 3 to 4 yrs...on the date they are going to court and attending the peshi....most irregularly the opposite party is attending the peshi..
So now how the judgement goes on ...How to face that ?
If agreed for compromise how much amount has to be paid ?
Is it a good option to fight the case ?
Brother or sister or parents name of a Husband are included in the list,
Then How to remove there names ?
Does the court fine , if fines How much it can be ?