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Prashant   24 December 2017

Stamp duty & registration charges on revi gifted land

A charitable trust got land as a gift. Registered gift deed made according to sanctioned layout of that time and ferfar 7/12 entry done. But because of town planning department plan got changed, doner had to revise the layout. And so our land got relocated. Total area of gifted land is same, only boundaries are changing. So do we have to change gift deed, or any other method will do. We want to start construction on given land asap.


 1 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     24 December 2017

A charitable Trust got land through Gift deed.  But by whom?  The Donor by whom the land was gifted has to be executed a Rectification to that Gift deed. The stamp duty and registration fee will be levied as same as original.  OR that gift deed has to be cancelled. another gift deed has to be executed by the donor by whom the gift is giving in favour of Trust.

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