I hear stamp duty is waived for transferring property in Navi Mumbai to close relatives.
Is this already effective or is it still 2%.
dilip 22 May 2015
I hear stamp duty is waived for transferring property in Navi Mumbai to close relatives.
Is this already effective or is it still 2%.
bsrao 22 May 2015
There is no stamp duty w.e.f. April 24, 2015 on gift deeds in Maha.
dilip 22 May 2015
Thanks for your input.
I talked to a property lawyer in Navi Mumbai and she was clear that there IS a 2% stamp duty for transfer (gift) of property among close relatives. Confusing. Would like to hear from more experts.
Jatin Mittal (Corporate Lawyer) 24 May 2015
Dear Dilip
Please make sure that the property is tranferred to someone in blood relation, otherwise the stamp duty will be applicable, Waiver on stamp duty on tranfer is only in blood relations. For any further clarification, write to me at mittaljets@gmail.com. No charges for the consultation.
dilip 25 May 2015
Thanks. Appreciate your input.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 25 May 2015
Yes the said law exempting the samp duty has come into force, confirm from local registrar's office.
dilip 26 May 2015
Thank you Kalaiselvan. Appreciate your input.