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Standard allegations in divorce matters

These are the standard allegations in Divorce matters:


Wife: "bashes me daily in drunken state" : A DRUNK MAD MAN

2nd: He never came to see the baby and never consoled my while I was very severe labor pains and sweating[WHO TOLD HER SHE WAS SWEATING?--obviously a story cooked up by her mother]. [hoe did she get pregnant from a drunk madman?]

3. He was running after me[IN A ONE ROOM HOUSE] with a whip and I was running from room to room[NOTE; HOUSE HAS ONLY ONE ROOM] and abusing me and jumped on me pinning me down breaking my ribs...{AND SO ON]




Judges get bored with such stories as they move from one case to another.


 6 Replies

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     05 November 2011

It is true that some cases of dowry matter remains coocked but this is beneficial law for affected ladies and we should not forget the still mentality of society has not changed wherein women is treated as "pair ki jutti' so there are both aspects.


Raj: How many genuine affected ladies get the benefit of laws? Stats should be found out. Mostly genuine ladies either get roasted alive without any court taking up the matter in a PIL ? Courts do issue notices when newspaper reports of airhostesses or ravishing film actresses move the media for harrasment.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     05 November 2011

Most laws meant for so called weaker sections are routinely abused.


There need to be a clause in all such laws for punishment for false prosecution under these laws by so called weaker sections.





Shonee Kapoor


If weaker sections are done away with,how will jokers like Manmohan Singh and their kin ever be in power? He wanted US to give him Headley's head.When US gave headley's head to the headhunter, Judiciary wanted justice for Biryani Eating Kasab. AND SO ENDED THE KASAB STORY QUIETLY HUSHED UP BY THE SUPREME COURT. Obviosly for Manmohan Singh and Co Kasab and his girl friends belong to the weaker section.

Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     07 November 2011

Absolutely right Nina Ji and Shonee Ji

rajiv_lodha (zz)     08 November 2011

I again tell, its all hypocrisy here in India.

Vote bank politics is eating away the country! Gender based laws are product of VOTE BANK POLITICS. What is the use of writing fundamental rights "No difference due to cast creed color S*X" !?

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