I was an employee of Janata sahakari bank .The bank has its standing orders for staff.But the bank did not submit it to staff at the time of appointment.It had circulated it in 1994 to all the staff.The standing orders were prepared in 1959 but were given to us in 1994,having no certification on it.How i suppose that these are properly made and registeredunder B,I. R Act.? What is the procedure to know about its registration?I want to ask what is procedure after board of directors made standing orders for banks staff. it is necessory to enrol it in labour coom. is it necessory to take sanction from co-op department before enrolling?Where the original copy rests whether labour comm. office .in co-op dept or in bank itself?
Is this the correct way of janata bank to deliver its standing orders to staff in 1994 without certification? What remedy we have to search whether they are autheticated or fabricated?The std. orders are 50 years old so govt. told we have no record of it. then what will be another solution about its genuinness?
with regards