I have a client, whom i know for many years. He lost his credit card 5 yrs ago and reported to authorities. due to neglence of bank, they were not able to block his card and it was misused. He claims to have settled his dues 5 yrs ago but never received a settlement letter from bank.
recently banks has charged his accout with a huge amount and has send a notice to him stating that he owe a sum of Rs. 85000 towards his credit card.
Bank denies of receiving any card block application from him and offering any settlement offer before 5 yrs. In one of the recent email communication with bank, the authorites confirm of no outstanding dues on the card and on the other hand he get phone call from collection team asking for another Rs. 63000
After talking to bank, it was learned that the card account was invalidated in sep,2007.
What could be done in this case ?