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rohit   28 September 2017

Stay on property - domestic voilence


My name is Rohit N 

I want a stay on the home I live in. It belongs to my father who drinks, abuses and beats my mother, brother and me. My father is retired and now he is above 65. 

For past 5 years, my father is not at all looking after my mother brother and me. My brother is mentally handicapped and mother is a housewife. I am job less (27) undergrad. Father is not providing any finance for living for my mother and brother. He does pays the power bill and the society bill. He always shouts that the house belongs to me and you 3 (mother brother and me )  don't have any right to live in my property. 

After retirement he was taking loan against property without informing my mother or me. I took those property papers and have hide them that no one knows. 

Now father has got the duplicate copy of sale deed from SRO so that he can take a loan against property or sell it to someone else. 

There is nothing left now except this property, my father has selled everything he can for business and to provide finance to his 3 sisters. 

I would like to know how can I get a stay on the house in these conditions also let me know what will be the charges for it. 



 3 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     29 September 2017


Only a qualified chartered accountant can guide you on seeing  your present income declared, mother's source of income, the purpose which the borrowing was done.  Advocate's forum is meant for guiding only on legal issues.  Always seek guidance of professional  expert that ican provide competent guidance on any issue..

P. Venu (Advocate)     29 September 2017

Your father has the complete discretion to deal with his property. All that could be got enforced is that he takes care of your mother and the mentally retarded brother.

rohit   29 September 2017

Thanks for your answer. 

I'm completely aware that he is the 100% owner of the property and he can do anything he wants. But I'm concern about the security about my mother and brother. A shelter is one of the basic need. 

Presently he does not take care of my brother and mother. My father has used every asset for business and other purposes. He has failed in business not once twice but many times and because of this we have suffered a lot. I had to leave my studies in between due to all this. 

I want to know what are the possibilities to put a stay on house so that my father can't use it for his further business. He is now over 65. 

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