I'm not sure you have been asked this question before. I am in the process of divorcing my wife and she is contesting. The reason for divorce is we are not mentally nor physically compatible and I do not trust her and I feel she might have had affairs which I cannot prove. Regardless of all this I cannot continue a life with her. We have a kid together.
Now I know it could take long time before my divorce is sorted without going mutual. However my question is is it acceptable to live with someone while my divorce is going thorugh. Can my wife stop from doing so. Also if I get married (not legally which I know is not possible and will lead to bigamy) but just a thalikettu, What would be the consequences if my wife come to know of it and take action. The thalikettu is just for the mental satisfaction of the second girl and I know its not legalised. Can my first wife do something and and would that be a crime because I'm not legally marrying anyone, not until this divorce is sorted. Would that still be considered bigamy. Please advice, your expert opinion is much valued.
I' was also thinking of going overses for studies and can that be stopped as my divorce is on going. The girl I would be staying is overseas and once the thalikettu in india we will go overseas and I stay there with her while studying.