sagar nalawade 03 July 2021
Umamageswari Maruthappan (-) 10 July 2021
Greetings of the day!
To answer your query:
Section 378 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 deals with the concept of theft. According to the Section, there are certain ingredients which is required to constitute a theft. The opening words of the Section itself states: "Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any moveable property....". This clearly means that the offence of theft is the dishonest removal of a thing. This is the first essential ingredient which is required to be proved to constitute a theft. Dishonest intention, here, would mean the intention to cause wrongful gain to one person and wrongful loss to another.
Therefore, the act committed by the boy would not amount to theft under Section 378 of the IPC since there was no dishonest intention, and the act was done only out of hunger.
Hope this helps!
​​​​​​Umamageswari Maruthappan
sagar nalawade 10 July 2021
Thank you for your Valuable answer...
Umamageswari Maruthappan (-) 07 August 2021
Most welcome!