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I will fight (XYZ)     04 March 2012

Steps against 498a and dv

As I was mentally harrased, abused insulted, humiliated and often was physically abused by my wife and her father mother, I left my house permenantly in 10/10/2010 and stayed at my near friend's home from where I filed Divorce case against her on 4/4/2010.


We are fighting case since then. When it was on counselling stage, she filed case of 498A and DV, one by one against me, my father and mother. Please noted my friends, I am the only child of my parents and we never leaved with my parents since marriage (my marriage life till divorce case was 17 year)


I was not allowed to meet them at all and to keep relations with them. If she doubted that I met them or communicated them. I was harrased for days and nights for 10-15 days constantly. 


Since 2008 she use to figh with me daily and use to use abusing words, that an ear can hear. On 10/10/2010. She fought with me extremely and I called her parents to my house. Her father, instead of hearing me, started beating me and my wife, my 17 years child and her mother were encouraging him to beat me more.


I left home and filed divorce and after 13 months she filed 498A and DV against us 3, while the counselling was ON. My parents got bailed out and I got an anticipatory bail. Applied for Quashin in HC and my parents got quashed and I got a stay.

**She even called my partner in business to get against me and to leave my partnership, which the attempt failed drastically.

My questions are:

1) Can I file a case against them/her to give the dowry at the same time?

2) Is there any way I can take revenge on her/them (because thats what she is doing along with the motive of claiming hefty maintenance if divorce happens)

3) We never had any sort of relations or communications since 10/10/2010, Will the 498A and DV still work?


Inshort I want to get out of these 2 safely and also to sue them/her for what she is done and to my old parents.


Can someone cite me some judgements from SC/HC along with some laws to defend out safely and recoil back to teach her lessons, life long?


I will heartily appreciate any help from you all, my learned friends


 5 Replies

vijay (M)     04 March 2012

Was there any arrests?

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     04 March 2012

Try to come out of the present problems instead of fresh affense.

You admit that your spouse was harrassing you in your own house so first take lessions for confidence building to be able to fight court room battles.

I will fight (XYZ)     04 March 2012

@ Vijay: No arrest were done as my father mother got the bail the same day police came to take them to police station. And I got the anticipatory bail later.

@ JSDN: yes you are right. I got acrried away. Let's thinks of these after we all get out of this mess. 

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     06 March 2012

As you are prepared to fight back. Join local SIFF chapter and join if you think that undersigned can be of any help, feel free to get back. Regards, Shonee Kapoor

I will fight (XYZ)     06 March 2012

WIll do that Shonee. For sure

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