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Still more tips on legal Drafting


Tips for Drafting Text and Additional Clauses

  • Order your additional clauses in a logical sequence.  Generally, it is a good idea to keep sentences short but not cryptic. The intent of your text must be clear. If your clause is long, consider dividing the clause into sections.
  • Review your text. Make sure your meaning is clear. Have someone else review what you wrote to ensure the meaning is apparent. It is not unusual to re-write a sentence or clause several times to ensure that it is simple and clear. The last thing you want is for a judge or arbitrator to discard an important clause because the meaning is unclear or ambiguous.
  • Draft your clause in Plain English.  Plain English means language that is simple and conveys ideas with the greatest possible clarity.
Legalistic Style Plain English
at the present time now
due to the fact that because; since
during such time as while
for the duration of during
inasmuch as because; since
in the event that if
notwithstanding the fact that although; even if
prior to before
pursuant to under; in accordance with
subsequent to after
that certain a
with reference to about
  • Omit needless words.  Do not use jargon/legalese such as "hereto" and "the said item".
  • Avoid making redundant clauses and ensure clauses do not contradict.  Read your document carefully to ensure that your additional clause is not repeating or contradicting what has already been stated in the document.
  • Use numerals, not words, to denote amounts.
  • Refer to people and companies by name.  If names have been defined by a shorthand identifier within the document, then use that name instead. This is especially true of the parties to the agreement. These are usually identified at the beginning of your contract. You should use these predefined terms throughout the rest of the document. Example: the Landlord, the Tenant, the Customer, the Service Provider, etc.
  • Do not use multiple names or identifiers to refer to the same person or thing. It will appear to the reader that you are introducing new or different objects.
  • Do not use terms such as: they, us, we, our, you, me, etc. These terms are ambiguous and confusing.
  • Do not abbreviate words.
  • Emphasize the positive and avoid using multiple negatives in sentences (for example, change "Notice will not be effective unless it is delivered in person." to "Notice will only be effective if it is delivered in person."
  • Do not use all capitals.
  • Spell-check your clause.

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