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Story Of monk and prostitute

Story Of monk and prostitute


 Long long ago, hundreds of years ago, there used to be a young monk. Nobody knew what religion he followed, but everyone knew that he had decided to become a staunch monk and devote his entire life serving a super human power known as God. He wanted to conquer his desires and reach spiritual mastery.


He was a young man and had abandoned all s*xual and material pleasures. He didn't have his own personal home for he had decided to abandon everything, so he was staying in a temple. Obviously, he used to spend his days in religious activities, talking with his disciples and reciting holy scripttures. They would talk about different spiritual experiences, mysteries, salvation, ecstasy and denounce all worldly pleasures what ordinary humans were busy following.



Just nearby the temple there was a big road and across the road was a brothel. There used to stay a famous prostitute of that entire nation and even kings and princes would come to please their bodies with her. She had to sell her body in order to make a living.


one day there was a devastating flood in the region. Everything was swept away and thousands of people died. The monk as well as the prostitute were also killed.


As a rule, the deceased were taken for a judgement before God. Everyone was sent either to heaven or hell on the basis of their credentials noted by God. Assistants of God were really surprised when the monk was sent to hell and the prostitute was sent to beautiful heaven where angels fly, flowers bloom and everything is perfect.


Reportedly, there was an interesting fact about God's decision. The monk wore a robe, burned incense and recited spiritual texts the whole day, but in the evening when he used to go to bed, his inner world would be completely different. Every night, he would think of that beautiful prostitute across the road and silently curse his monkshood and spiritual affiliation. He would imagine himself being pleased by the prostitute, fondling in her lap and playing with her cute long fingers.


On the other hand, the prostitute would sleep with dozens of of men, please them, drink and dance with them the whole day, but in the evening when she used to go to bed, her inner world was completely different. She would think of that temple, God's residence, which was just across the road and she would think of that monk, who was her age, and wonder what a great human being lived there, just across the road, serving God and renouncing everything. Every night, she would cry and pray to God, she would feel bad herself not being able to go to the temple and spend some moments of silence there. She would curse her profession and wanted to be God's servant in her next life.


Well, the story ended like this. I think this story is highly symbolic and has a special value nowadays because we always run the risk of judging people on the basis of what they do. We make assumptions and form stereotypes with very little outward information available to us and forget to dive into the inner being of every individual we meet. So, how do we dive into the inner being of every individual we meet? I think we all tend to have different personalised techniques.

 5 Replies

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     25 November 2010


Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     25 November 2010

Yes Adv Kushan,

We must see the inner beauty of a person irrespective of the profession/work. There are thieves who have better generosity than the several Police/Administration Personals.



Even our culture addresses s*x workers decently like “Nagar Vadhu (Bride of the city)” (Of which Amrapali was the most famous), “Roop Jeevayen (those earns livelihood  on their beuty)” etc.  Even a “Veshya” had got constructed a temple of Lord Shiva in a forte at Jaipur, and this has made her immortal. 

Our culture has given dignity to them, they too are human being and they too have virtue and moral.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     25 November 2010

Amrapali, Emperror Shrenik and the Buddha

Fragrance of her beauty, her art, her intelligence and skill in dance and music spread crossing borders of her state.

Shrenik, the bhambhasara, Emperor of powerful Magadha dynasty was attracted to her. As Vaishali was an enemy of Magadha, it was difficult for him to come and meet with her. But he found himself unable to resist from meeting this heavenly beauty of Vaishali. He came to Vaishali in a disguise and made a love with Amrapali.

Emperor Shrenik offered Amrapali to make her Empress of Magadha.  Amrapali denied being her Empress because she knew that her state Vaishali would never accept it. This marriage could trigger a battle between two powerful countries the mighty Magadha and the brave Vaishali. Being refused Shrenika came back broken heart to his capital Rajagrha.

Amrapali was not mentally satisfied in spite of comfort and luxury provided by the state. She never liked to be a prostitute. She hated this life. She wanted to live a genuine peaceful life. But had she that luck?

In between, Gautama, Princeof Kapilavastu, renunciated. He sacrificed all earthly comforts and luxury in search of eternal peace. He atained enlightenment after long years of austerity.

He bacame the Buddha, Gautama, the Buddha. He started preaching Ariyo atthangiko maggo, the eight fold path of spirituality. He started teaching  Vipassana meditation, the path of Sheela, Samadhi and Panyya. His preaching attracted large number of people. Magadha, Vaishali, Kashi, Koshala all the states of ancient India was flooded with his followers.

Amrapali heard of the Buddha and of his preachings. She wanted to meet him and to listen his enlightened doctrines. She managed to do so and became his devotee. She proposed The Buddha to take her in his Sangha as a bhikkhuni (Nun), but the Buddha refused to do so. He told her that there was no arrangement for bhikkhuni in the Sangha. Only bhikkhus (monks) are allowed in the Sangha.

Amrapali asked boldly why the arrangement was like that. The Buddha replied that an woman could break the sanctity of the monks. Amrapali again argued with courage whether the monks of the Buddha were so weak that they could break their vow if in touch with an woman? Buddha could not reply and took the most beautiful woman in his Sangha.

Amrapali was posted as the head of the Bhikkhuni Sangha of the Buddha

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     25 November 2010

Who was Amrapali?


Amrapali Photo as shown in movie poster Style


Amrapali of Vaishali democracy, ancient India was the most beautiful woman of the world. She is the all time best. She is the only woman in the history who had been forced to prostitution by state order.

Amrapali was born in the ancient democratic state of India to unknown parents. Someone found her beneath a mango ( Amra in Sanskrit language) tree thus she was named Amrapali. He and her wife adopted her as their daughter.

She had grown up to her youth with a magnificent look. She had milk like white skin, her lips were as red as pomegranate, her chicks were like the roses, she had a nose like a parrot, she had a lotus eye, her neck was long as crane. Her legs and hands were long and slim. Her fingers were like the brush of an artist. Her naval was compared with the depth of a lake. There is a tons of descripttion of her beauty in Sanskrit texts.

No doubt, she was the most beautiful woman of the world.

As she stepped into her youth people of Vaishali state became crazy of her. Everybody wanted to marry her. Her beauty made the city mad.



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