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Strategy in Matrimonial cases

I have some questions:

1. My wife filed a false 498A case against me naming my parents and sister as well resulting in me facing arrest though later released on bail. My family took a stay arrest. what is the procedure to get a regular bail for my parents. the chargesheet has not yet been filed.

2. what other actions can she instigate under the D V Act or any other laws. I am afraid and dont want to get arrested again. Any precautions that I need to take.

3. why do 498A cases are filed when no dowry was involved. If I want to fight it out and dont want to part money to settle what are the chances of success and how much time it takes to finalise the judgement in such cases.

4. I feel that when I am not wrong and have never received any dowry and the relation has stained why should I part with money to settle a false 498A case. Please suggest.

 8 Replies


DO WAtever u can to fight it. dont give up

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Sreenivas V (S/W)     21 July 2010

Hi Mithelesh,

I am also a victim of this. So far 2 yrs gone by, but the case is getting delayed by girl side. With my experience it is better to go for settlement then to go for fight it out. The reasons are many and it also based on the current circumstances you have. Having said this I don't like to go for settlement at all. In my case their demand was 50 lakhs or even 100 so we are fighting it out.

Most of the cases I saw is false only, if they are false then only the case is getting delayed as they will defeat if the case goes fast. The cases where 498A goes fast is where the girl side is correct. If boy is correct then the case goes for 4 to 10 yrs time. I think many of the people are similar to your case including me and I also have same questions why should I pay money when there is no mistake of mine. But the reality is we have to pay money or fight the case for years which we will win difinetly. But the question is do we need to spoil our career or personal life for the girls whose life already got spoiled. Here the girl side is playing the game like my life is spoiled so spoil the boy life also at any cost.


why title matrimaonial case. its a criminal case against you by the govt.  ,dont worry u can fight with experts advise we will teach u how to fight it out at SIFF.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 July 2010

mr swatir, can you tell how can i discuss at siff, like lci.

i tried several times but failed.

i want exchange of knowledge at siff.

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RESPECTED SIR, make a yahoo id first. then go to my yahoo, go to groups, search for SIFF. YOU WILL GET save indian family foundation link there, click on join. within about 24 hours you will get a confirmation of ur membership to SIFF. if u still cant do it give me a missed call i will explain u wenever i m free.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 July 2010

3) 498 a for dowry + cruelty.   - unlimited.

4) please do not bow down before the liers. win of a culprit creats thousand of culprits. i appreciate your sprit.

other advices you will get here free, but keep a strong lawyer at the court for your defence.

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neeraj kumar (FO)     15 October 2010

as mithilesh is suffering as my friend, mr arup can u suggest any thing, for detail kindly read the thinga written by me earlier regarding my friend's case.

chanakyam (Consultant)     16 October 2010

Hello mithilesh,

Most of 498a cases,even though dowry not involved, they are using 498a as weapon to achieve the illegal and ulterior motives of a wife. So, dont feel this is something abnormal. There are many factors involved in this (you might be knowing in your case).  First of all dongt get afraid about other cases, try to gather the counter evidences to their allegations and make note of all the events with dates.  Now you have only two chanes, one is to meet their illegal demands(if any) or fight back the case.  Decide..

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