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Strike: politician's way of robbing people

here i will show how strike which is the democratic right of political party is abused by politician to rob people.


in every strike there is an issue. strike is supposed to resolve the issue but strike failed to do so presently. for example: suppose bjp call strike for petrole price hike issue. the price of petrol is supposed to be reduced after strike. but actually the price increases or remains the same. so the strike is futile.


now how such futile strike rob people? due to strike, people lost their one working day. thus their income for day is lost.  so they got harmed.


so we see that due to this democratic right called strike actually people got harmed. then how to oppose govt. policy?


by filing public interest litigation in sc. no party can deny sc's order. this is the only effective way to change govt. policy.


why politicians don't take this way and keep using strike , i don't know.


do you have any idea?

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