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Simar (na)     01 November 2011

String of false cases

My sister had filed for three cases in judicial magistrate’s courts – divorce, child custody (2.10 years old child) and maintenance. Then a few months later, there was reconciliation. But the boy went back on the agreement. Instead he started threatening our family. So my sister filed the three cases again.

These are the events in brief after my sister re-filed the divorce, custody and maintenance cases:

1.       The boy’s family got the boy’s uncle to lodge a false police case against my father.

2.       The boy’s mother lodged a false police case against my father and sister.

3.       The boy has filed a false court case against my father and sister.

4.       Lately, the boys’ father has lodged a false court case against my father.


They have used their family members plus a relative in building false cases against my father and sister. Obviously boy’s family is misusing law to create hurdles in maintenance and custody and to harass us.


This is what we have done in defence:

a)      Filed harassment complaints (for the two false police complaints) with the state human rights commission. The commission has taken the cases. The first hearing is next month.

b)      Filed court case (in judicial magistrate’s court) against the boy’s uncle for building a false police case.

c)       Sent someone for the first hearing at the boy’s hometown for case #3.


Opinion on the following will be very much appreciated:

1.       The boy’s family has lodged all cases in their home town (the police case lodged by boy’s uncle is in uncle’s hometown). We have been advised strongly not to travel to their hometown. Also in the reply to police cases we have said that there is risk to our lives in travelling to the boy’s home town and that we have not visited their home town since the girl and the boy separated. They have falsely claimed in their cases that my father and sister visited their house and harmed them. Can we get the cases 3 and 4 transferred to our city by filing a case in high court ?


In case of case #4, they may claim that the father is bed-ridden (actually he is not bed-ridden, he just does not go out much), therefore he cannot come to our town for the case. Is there a way to avoid this ? We do not want to go their hometown for the cases. There is enough for my father to handle (8 cases in total by now).


2.       Should we contact women’s commission for case #4 ? Will that be better ?

 17 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     01 November 2011

The cases filed by your family members by your sister's husband family members are the counter cases to force your sister to come for the compromise.  These cases are al initiated only after taking action by your sister, so it is better approach the high court to quash the FIR.  It is high court not guarantee of quashing of FIR but there is no wrong to try for that.

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Alok Tholiya (self employed)     01 November 2011

To all, 

1. When any issue becomes sensetive then at time keep mobile audio / video recorders on.

2. Keep independent company of persons so false allegations can be countered. 

3. If one wrong doer approaches advocates then advocates further advises to file  several false cross cases. Generally these r those advocates who r weak on law points but good in managing police and courts. So only option is to fight these cases with evidence, on law point, ask them to be expidited, keep some money and time free.

4. I considerably reduced  my business only to have free time to attend court cases  in rent act courts, fighting against corruption, gighting against slow and slack judiciary, govt offices etc etc.. Can u??????

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your sister's in lws have proved that they are really cunning.Fight boldly.

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Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     01 November 2011


Best option always is to settle issues amicably out of court .

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     01 November 2011

Dear Simar

follow Mr. Rajoo advice and feel free to call


this is half story... what are the reconciliation terms... their actions are result of your actions... you have started divorce custody and maintenance... what is the crux of the problem... false allegations and cases just mount and there is never any end unless you both see reason whether it helps anyone... now does anyone in your family have job other than instigating her join in false cases...

see reason than ego... go back to reconciliation terms and try to settle... better not interfere in your sisters family... otherwise your family members can be into big trouble... after marriage you are not supposed to interfere in her family... there are families where parents shut away their daughters to manage your own war... why not you do the same... if she is not interested in the marriage just file mutual divorce... period...

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     01 November 2011

First, do not put any hope on human rights' commissions, they are good for nothing.  they have no teeth to do any thing.

In respect of the cases filed by them, if on the face of FIRs appear to be sham and initiated only harass the wife and father, the high court may incline to quash them.  But it happens very rarely.

Yes, you can file for transfer of the cases to the wife's place of living by drafting appropriate grounds.  The High Court may consider such grounds, after taking full view of the cases filed by the wife and all the revengeful cases filed by the husband and his relatives.  If the High Court is hesitant to transfer them, as an alternative,  you can put a proposal before the High Court that the cases may be transferred to a third place neither belongs to wife nor husband and may give security to the wife and father.

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Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     01 November 2011

Best option always is to settle issues amicably out of court .


R Trivedi (     01 November 2011

1. The fact is both the side of story is not known to us.

2. False & Counter cases are the call of the day, due to very weak stand taken by courts on perjury.

3. Unethical lawyers also in greed, create a bad situation, by convincing the parties to file the false cases.

4. Now once it has happened, and you cannot amicably resolve, you must put in all efforts, leaving aside your ego, but considering your and your family member safety, then fight is as follows..

a. The jurisdiction is the place of cause of action / offense, generally it goes in favor of accused.

b. Police in general cannot summon you to the police station where the case is filed.

c. Police has to visit your place and investigate. Tell them the truth, give them the real facts in writing, all the points in your defence in writing, clearly spelling that the case is false malafide and intentional to harrass.

d. Once police investigates, then they submit the report to the local court, which after taking your reply into cognizance send the warrant for appearanc. If your reply is sound, court may dismiss the complaint.

e. Once you appear before the court, in case it summons you, again cogently give the reply in your defense, just do not blindly accept '' Not guilty", if you do not speak up at this charges will be framed and you are gone for years till the time case is settled.

f. Do not forget to highlight the falsehood in the complaint, and only if you are sure that it has been done with the malafide intention, make a request in your response that suitable action must be initiated by the honorable court to for perjury.

g. Be honest, these are family matters, if you are genuine then court will also understand. At the end truth comes out.



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Dear author, follow ld lawyer's advice and kindly dont get desperate by some1  who is in d same boat with yr sis's  in laws.Best of luck.


On plain reading following course is suggested irrespective of the other side of the story.

1. Don't ever make the mistake of going into Women's commision.

2. Call the police cell of Crime against Women. [They'll love extorting money out of the guy after bashing him up].

3. Since your sister reconciled on the basis of an agreement which must be having conditions [not spelled out by you] which he violated. So you file a case of Criminal Breach of Trust.[Sec 406 of IPC]

AND IF THERE WAS ANY MUDSLINGING DURING DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS, then file defamation case under sec 499/500 of IPC.


BUT be very sure of legalities in order to effect an out of court settlement and bargain very hard. In view of specifics not being mentioned, better engage a good advocate with sound common sense. BUT get Women cops to get them all bashed up thouroughly even if it means bribing cops[They can't live without it irrespective of all types of Anti Corruption movements]. I hope I have not got your query wrongly understood by me.


And never ever mistake of meeting or talking to the guy, it'll land your sister in further trouble.

R Trivedi (     02 November 2011

In this forum advise extended should be legal. Although the times have gone bad but still people should stick to legal means and avoid criminal intimidation and maar peet. Without knowing the strength of opposing party (and even otherwise), getting inot physical aspect by any means can boomerang badly. Undie delay in court cases and subsequent harrassment forces people to get in to unacceptable means, which should be avoided. Best thing is take the help of seasoned lawyer and fight the case on merit if you are stuck.


Yup, law takes its own course in India and cops take their own course too.

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