raminde 20 June 2017
raminde 20 June 2017
TO make it simply during pendancy of civil suit how can i stop the revenue from trying an aplication by defendant in revenue in following circumstances
1) we(plaintiff) claim were are title owners(male decendants - agnates of both branches)
2)Def claims in civil suit as they are title ownwers by inheritance(sister's son) and an aleged will of both branch properties claiming it was properties of only one brother.
3) Def now altered the claim before revenue claiming their pre-decessor has now acquired some right as tenant on tillers day.
4) the tenant thing was a sham as one of our predecessor has mutated name on other of our prdecessor brothers property as one being landlord other being tenant, we claim title as both are members of co-parcenory.
5) How can we stop revenue from trying to suit as we also cannot aduce our evidence if so aduced will allow defendants to know it pre-maturely.
6) help with citations
P. Venu (Advocate) 20 June 2017
Any suggestion requires that the matter is examined in-depth; necessarily the documents need to be seen.