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Advocate Suneel Moudgil (Advocate)     22 November 2010

Succession Certificate

Dear Experts,

i hav to file suit for succession certificate for departmental pension of client's father , kindly suggest the procedure and under which act/law should i file it?



 6 Replies

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     22 November 2010

Sir I think Your client is confussed or misguided. Succession certificate is issued only for fixed sum like gratuity, or other deposits in bank etc. Pension is not a fixed sum  it is to be paid regularly in future. I think department would have asked for declaration, that your client is only the legal heir of his father and entitled to claim  family pension.

santosh (sapu)     22 November 2010

AS PER INDIAN SUCCESION ACT. YOU CAN FILE THIS MATTER. OR YOU MAY take 1 formal party for affidavite claim that person says i give him no objection for heirs

nidhi (home)     23 November 2010

does the succession certificate is required for each state / account / property. my father expired without having made a will. we are two brothers and one sister. he has accounts and FDs in 4-5 banks at three different places. also his property is located at a different place. will one certificate be valid pan india. what would be the stamp duty. what is the time frame for obtaining the succession cerificate. will the three siblings require separate certificate or a common certificate.

raj kumar ji (LAW STUDENT )     23 November 2010

dear suneel ji i agree with arvind ,the department want to declare that this one is the legal hiers of the person who is working under the department .

there is no need to want sucession .after that if the wife is alive the pention of that member should be transfered to her .

Vinoba (Advocate)     24 November 2010


As far as succession certificate is concerned it will be issued only to the properties/assets which are movable and not otherwise.

L. Vinoba,



Aniket Giri (ADVOCATE)     26 November 2010

With Due respect to all of you above,

As per my knowledge, The Succession Certificate is not at all requires for drawing Departmental Pension.


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