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Percy   03 June 2016

Suicide threat and property issus

I have a family of my wife and 2 kids, mother and an unmarried sister. My father sold our ancestral property in 1999 and bot a house in mumbai. This house was in his and my name and no nominee. My father was not having a good relationship with my mother since my mother always tortured him mentally, giving him threats of suicide or leaving the house and making him do all things which she wanted. He was always harassed by her for his entire life and she never took care of him. Same with my sister for whom friends were more important than her parents. My father passed away in 2014 due to a heart attack since he was under constant stress.

The house which was in my fathers name and mine is still not transfered. Since my fathers death my mother started torturinge and my wife telling ua to leave the house at even a slighest quarrel.

Since daddy died she has now started giving suicide threata to me and my wife saying she will commit suicide blaming it on our name so that we will get arested and the house will go to my sister.

My query is this..

1. Can me and my wife safeguard ourselves against her threats. Is there a legal way to this.
2. Since the house is still in my name though we havent done any name change after daddys death, how much can my sister claim after her marriage. What are her rights on this house.
3. My mother keepa threatening us that she will throw me and my wife and kids out of the house. Can she legally do that. Basically ahe wants thus house for herself and her daughter who she wants to stay with her husband after marriage.

Please someone help us with a legal advise as to how can i safeguard my wife and kids who are still small. I am suffering from a serious disease and have no idea about my survival. I need some legal personnel to help us in this.

Thanks in advance.

 3 Replies

victim (master)     04 June 2016

For example total cost of property id Rs. 100/- and the property is registered on your and your father's names so you are undisputed owner of Rs 50/- now out of remaining Rs. 50 which was your late father's share you 3 i.e you, your mother and your sister are equal equal right holders in absence of any will.


but if the said property is purchaced by your father as sales proceed of your ancesteral property and he just mentioned your name in property titles, then situation may be different. if it is proved by any means that you didnt contributed in purchace of that property and the peoperty was solely purchaced by your father with sales proceeds of your ancesteral property then your sister will have the same rights as yours.


regarding your mothers behaviour (which is hard to believe) you can inform to police about such threats with proofs. this may save you in case of any untoward situation. Ask your relatives to mediate and resolve the issue amicablly. 

Percy   04 June 2016

Thank you for your reply. How can anyone prove that the flat was purchased from that property.all the dealing was done by daddy and no one has got much clue. Also that was like 17 years ago. Also how do i get a proof of her suicide threats. A fight happens and she juat says it. My daughter is just 9 years and and she tells her that if ur dad fights with me ill comit suicide. Also i cannot involve relatives since i dont want this to spread out. But now the water has risen over my neck and i am thinking of atleast informing police. But proof is difficult to get.

lucky12321 (Job)     04 June 2016

Install CCTV/Spycam and records all the threats..

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