Dear sir
As per the Labour court reinstatement order was reinstated on 18-07-2011 in the job after a gap of 14 months from termination to reinstatement.Immediately on reporting the duties I had sent the mails to the company officials on the following issues.
1. My email dated 01.08.2012 requesting to re assign my old clients ( SAP ID-104581/Employee ID-10767) & your subsequent mail communication dated 01.08.2012 stating to wait for some time as you do have some technical error in assigning the clients.
2. My email dated 30.07.2012 to 14.08.2012 addressed to HR & CorporateHR, Svp & EVP, CEO of the company requesting for the activation of sales MIS.This mail Reference no is 'Indiabulls=005-437-269' .
3. My email dated 01.08.2012 & 06.08.2012 Requesting for the release of my old incentives of Rs.44,000/-for Jan 2011& Rs.39,000/- for April 2011.
company is not all responding to my mails excepting only reply stating that there is some technical error and requested me to bear for some time. It appears that company is doing with a malafide intention. Request your expert opinion to handle the issue with the management without loosing the job.